Thursday, September 1, 2022

Reppin the Y

(August 26th, 2021)

Last year when everyone went back to school, June went to College! Brigham Young University to be precise. She took general classes, since she hadn't settled on a major and she only planned to go for one semester since she was leaving on her mission in January, but she was still doing all the awesome things you do when you're a freshman.

Honestly, it was really cool to see her get together with friends and go to activities at the beginning. When I came out to college, I didn't know anyone. I also came later, in Winter Semester so I missed all the fall festivities, so basically my experience was completely different and I'm so glad that June got the right one.

Once again, you only get pictures and no real commentary, but a picture says a thousand words. I  just want you to notice how Irving always manages to surround himself with a bevy of beauties. Did you see he was the only guy hiking Timp? And here he is with his harem again. Not bad, Irving.

Probably the coolest thing about these pictures is that all these kiddos are on missions now. Except Christina, although not from lack of desire. She has some health issues keeping her here. But the rest are out in the field, around the world, from Costa Rica to Argentina. 


Don't worry June, the Y will be waiting for you when you get back. Enjoy a break from tarea for a bit.

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