Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Ballroom Photos (21&22)

Somehow I missed the ballroom photos last year, but since the blog is a year behind, it's not like anyone noticed. So today you get both years. 

Ivory has done ballroom for three years now. I'm not sure I got pictures from her first year either. (Maybe I'll see if she can find those) That was a weird Covid year, so I'm not holding out hope for those. 

Since then, they've gotten back into the habit of doing a photo shoot. Check out 2021. (Yes, I'm including Isaac because I'm kind of attached.)

The team had 6 girls and 6 guys. That's pretty good, since it is often uneven.

This photo became iconic. It was used for the advertising posters for ballroom later in the year. Ivory drew my attention to the fact that if you look closely, you can see there is Henna on her arm. (Henna that I put there. Yikes.)

Fast forward to this year. Ivory almost didn't do ballroom. She wasn't signed up for it, since it didn't fit in her schedule. But she changed her mind early August, just in time to go to ballroom intensives and do the photo shoot. (Bronte did mention that it would be great if people didn't put henna on themselves right before pictures. Yep...we got the message.)

Team is not as even this year. There are only four guys to the six girls. 

Don't mess with these girls. 

This photo is pretty exceptional. I wonder if it will be the poster this year?

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