Monday, October 17, 2022

Caziers Unite

Hey everyone! 

This is gonna be a short update because I spent most of my P day WITH MY PARENTS!!!! They had a cruise planned for this fall a while ago and conveniently decided the Dominican Republic would be a good place to stop. So I got to hang out with my mom and dad and Jonny and Beth (who are basically my second mom and dad)!

It was kind of the best day ever! They brought me some highly functional birthday presents that I will be using every day and then we went out for ice cream at Bon cuz that's the most classic Dominican awesomeness that there is. We also ate at a very expensive restaurant called Jaruco. As the only confident Spanish speaker, I just picked six dishes that looked good and then we all tried some of everything and it was delicious.

Then I got to play SPIKEBALL!! And not only that, my parents left the net here with me! Is that true love or what?

Unfortunately it's kind of a bummer for all of you on this email list cuz now that I have a spikeball net I don't know if I'll ever be able to make time to write a long email on P day again. That's only sort of a joke.

I love my family so much! The cool thing about family is that even when you haven't seen them in nine months, you just pick up right where you left off and it's like you were never apart.

Also special shoutout to all of my sisters who not only got left behind on the cruise, but didn't get to see their older sister today. I love you guys so much!

As for this week, it was awesome! We had two baptims! Sorry I can't send pics, I'm writing from the phone again. Eribelis and Xaviel got baptized and they were both super ready. I actually contacted Eribelis on my very first day here in Navarrete, so that was fun to look back on now that she's a member of the true church! 

We had a great exchange this week and I got to be with Hermana Biddulph again! I love her so much!

And I also got sick for the first time on my mission... that wasn't very fun. I lost my voice and my greenie had to pull through and do all the talking, and she killed it!! What an awesome missionary with actually amazing Spanish for only having three weeks in the field!

And... I hit halfway. Moment of silence because the mission is awesome and I never want it to end.

I love you guys! Have a fantastic week!

Hermana Cazier 

* I actually have a ton of pictures that could go with this email from June, but I'll save the pictures for the Cruise posts. :)

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