Saturday, October 1, 2022

Robyn Art Folder 2

(Art from 2020 and before)

This post needs a little explanation. Robyn is an amazing artist and I find her stuff everywhere. On scratch pieces of paper, in coloring books, sketch books, her phone, people's bodies. It's just all over. So I started to collect it and I decided to do a post now and then, with just her art. I thought when I got 30 pictures in there, I would put them on the blog. It was a good idea. Except, I only did one post

Then I sort of forgot. So there has been a folder sitting for a long time in my 2020 folder. That's going on here today. Then I can catch up with some more recent stuff. But it all has to be on here because I love it all! 


There you go. Some awesome sauce stuff to look at.

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