Saturday, November 19, 2022

Art Overload

(October 17- 21st, 2022)

I try more often than you think to get the girls to write posts for me. Especially when it is their experience, since it feels more authentic when the person who was actually there documents it. They are however, very busy and it doesn't always work out. Robyn is still plodding her way through a Ghana post that will be epic when it is finished. 

This is a very good example of a post that should NOT be written by me. Robyn is currently attending the Beaux Arts Academy and they do amazing things. They went on a field trip to Wyoming and did tons of art. I keep finding all these neat things she is creating, including her notes, which are fantastic...and they are just notes for class.

I'm not even sure where to start. Let's go with some of the stuff she is creating in class and during the last couple of months. Then we'll move on to the Wyoming trip. 

There is a lot of outdoor and landscape pictures in preparation for plein air painting. (I don't know what that is.) (Guest definition: Plein air painting is when one paints outside in nature. It is a *fairly* recent form of art that artists have adopted. They used to not be able to paint outdoors because they had no way to transport paint. So they would go out and sketch studies, and then finish their works in the studio. It is a clear distinction that can be seen between studio and plein air works.)

Sometimes she sketches her friends.

They have been working very hard on figure drawing. She has done pages of ears, eyes, and particular body parts, getting them correct. And they have models come in and pose, so they can practice getting proportions accurate. They are amazing, even the unfinished ones.

Now for some art while they were in Wyoming. Robyn predominantly used gouache (gwash). It is like watercolor, but it is more opaque. Actually, don't quote me on any of that. I'm not an art person. However, you can see the watercolor feel in many of these. And she did use some other mediums.

They also had some fun doing art and adding to each other's drawings. 

You can see why I love going through Robyn's sketch books. There is a fun surprise around each corner. 

I asked Robyn to send me a picture each day so I knew she was still alive. She is rather snarky and I always get pictures like these ones. But they do convey the still-alivedness of Robyn.

Here are a few more pictures from the trip. They clearly are having the best time ever. Who knew Wyoming could be such an adventure? (Pictures include Analena, Abbi, Basil, Stewie, and Parker. Parker is the deer.)

All the art is so fun. I think she is planning on going next semester as well, which is a win for all of us. 

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