Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Costume Judging 101

I had an event planned right over Ivory's ballroom competition and it was canceled at the last minute and I'm so happy it was. Because I love going to watch Ives dance. The dancing in general is really fun and I added a new element to the judging, but we'll get there at the end.

When I came in, I found Ivory right away. She was across the way watching. You can see Isaac and Job too. 

Ivory was paired with Isaac first. They danced a Viennese Waltz and it was really beautiful. The end was a tiny bit awkward, but I won't hold that against them. I took lots of fun stills and then you can see the dance at the end.

The second dance was the Paso Doble. Is there only one song for the Paso? I know it is very traditional. I think it looked really cool with the long flowy skirts. Ivory danced with Tanner in this one.

The awards were much better this time. They had one couple from each dance come down so you could remember the dance based on their costumes. Our team didn't do so well. I watch and think they do better than other teams, but I'm not a dance aficionado. Our team came in last in the waltz and second to last in the Paso. But hey...that isn't last.

I mentioned it before, but they have a smaller team this year. However, they are a tight little family and I think everyone gets along. Don't they look nice?

This is more like it.

This is three years running for these two. I hope they dance again next year and finish off with four High School years in ballroom. 

But now for some judging of my own. I can't tell you about technique, but I can tell you about style and some of these outfits should not be showcased. Let's look at the best and the worst (in my opinion). Worst first. 

In third place is what I call the dancing picnic blanket. Yikes. Too busy.

Second place goes to this team. Their ensemble is out of this world. And should stay out there.

First place goes to the disco scene. This team was actually full of great dancers, but this outfit choice was poor. It was ugly and unflattering.  

Honorable mention goes to an accessory. These dresses are fine, but what is with the huge black choker necklaces? Weird choice.

Now let's look at the other side. There are plenty of weird costumes pulled from the back closet, but many of the outfits are lovely.

Third place goes to this look. I thought the girls looked so pretty and the skirts swirled nicely.

Second place actually goes to the boys. These dresses were okay, but the sparkly tops the boys wore stole the show.

Finally, first place goes to this interesting dress that was pretty and fun to watch.

Honorable mention were these fun dresses that looked better far away. Up close the pieces seemed a little cheap, but I can't deny a good sparkle on the dance floor.

I'll let you vote on one yourself. I put this dress in one of the categories, but as I watched, it slid in the other direction. What do you say? Yay or nay?

The best dresses come out later in the individual competition. The girls have such fun outfits. I didn't stay to watch all of them, but I was digging the heart dress.

It was a great competition and I'm so glad I was able to go. Ivory always looks lovely and it is fun to watch her enjoy the dancing.

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