Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Daisy's 14 Year Photo Gallery

(October 22nd, 2022)

Weirdly, I usually think of Daisy as older than she is. I think it is because she is taller than me. Or maybe it's because she is a really great helper and could do all the shopping and cooking by herself if necessary. Regardless, whatever age she is, she is lovely and it was really fun to go out and do her photos. 

Yep, we were late as usual. Yep, even though she is a summer birthday, we waited until October when it was cold, and rainy. But the smile is real and she isn't 14 and a half yet. We'll take the small victories. Enjoy a beautiful Daisy in the fall.

We grabbed some chow after. Daisy loves ice cream and cheese curds, so Culver's is a no brainer. 

Next year I'm sure I'll be on top of the photo shoots. (Hahahaha. I am so funny.) 

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