Monday, November 14, 2022

Harry Potter Week

(October 3rd-7th, 2022)

In October, we do Teen Read week in the library at school and Patrick thought it was time to do a Harry Potter theme again. He had some stuff on hand and I borrowed some stuff from another school and bought a few things as well. Then we went to town decorating and planning. I have to give a HUGE shout out to my family. They came and helped me set everything up and Robyn drew Hedwig for my display. I couldn't have done it without them. Well, I could have, but it would have taken much longer and it wouldn't have been nearly as cool. Let's check out some of the decor we put up.

Some of the activities you could do any time that week and other things you had to come in on a certain day. We did wand making one day and it brought in the largest crowd I've ever seen in the library. Patrick and I (and some of our aids) spent hours making wands so the kids could paint them. (They didn't have time to do both) The kids were so creative and all the wands looked so cool. It was a really fun activity. We made 80 regular wands and another 40 or so tiny ones. We used every single one.

One of the hardest activities was 'Care of Magical Creatures' where you had to find QR codes around the school, figure out riddles, and turn in the answers to your Head of House. Ivory and I had such fun hiding them, and I think Daisy felt like it was her personal mission to find them because she turned in all the answers first (with Pearl not far behind). 

Oh, I should mention that the sorting was big. We had over 200 kids come in to get a button and be sorted into their house. Daisy was Slytherin and Pearl was Gryffindor. 

Our Kahoot on Friday was actually pretty hard. I've read all the books and only knew half the answers. A Slytherin won that as well, and when Daisy won the jar of Arithmancy Jelly beans, their lead was solidified. The Slytherins got a little butterbeer party the next week, but I missed it since I was already on a cruise. But I feel like the week went really well and it was so fun. I hope the kids had a good time and I can safely say that I wouldn't mind doing Harry Potter week again.

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