Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Place of Mofongo

I'm in Moca now! This area is really beautiful and the members are very nice. I'm excited about being here. We have a sweet view from our apartment of a beautiful Catholic church and a park decked out with Christmas lights.

The work was a little slow this week cuz we spent most of our time at the beginning of the week meeting with members since I'm new. I actually really appreciate that my comp thought ahead for me and planned it like that. But then I got sick and we didn't do much work over the weekend because I was sleeping myself to recovery.

But Sunday was awesome! The members are all so awesome. Tons of people bore their testimonies, including one of the people we are teaching, who stood up and said that even though she hasn't been baptized yet, she knows this church is true. Elect!

President and his wife also stopped by after sacrament meeting because they had been attending first hour at a nearby church. I think it was just because I had had a fever the night before and they were worried about me, so that was sweet of them.

It's kinda weird being back in the city. Moca is quite city. We have everything. Even a Burger King, which we will definitely be visiting soon. We have to actually wait for cars, and 1/4 as many people as in the campo (country) say hi back to us. It's interesting because my first area was city and I just thought that was how the DR was at the time, but now I've also experienced campo and I know them apart.

I prefer the campo but I can't lie that for food, I'm happy to be back in the city. There are so many more options. We actually bought vegetables and the store today and that was kind of magical.

We had mofongo the first day I got here, which Moca is apparently famous for. I forgot to take a picture but I'll take one next time I eat it. It's basically mashed plantain with chicken and cheese in it if you want ir to have those things.

I listened to the talk His Grace is Sufficient by Brad Wilcox this week and I recommend it to everyone. Wasn't the first time I have heard it, but I still managed to learn a thing or two about the Savior's grace.

I got to jam out to Christmas music today cuz it's playing in every store we go into.

Have a fantastic week everyone! 

Hermana Cazier 


1. The church I can see out the window

2. Does this count as multiple flowers?

3-4. Some epic views from a looong walk we had that took us out of the city into a campo part of our area

5. Hna Torres y yo!

And the rest are some more pics with Hna Savage and a few goodbye pics

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