Tuesday, November 15, 2022

I Will Forsake My Kingdom...

First, happy birthday on Friday Sariah! I got on facebook for the first time in a lot of months this week and the first thing I saw was your post about miracles and the grace we have access to through Jesus Christ's Atonement for us! I don't know if you're even gonna get this email but if you do happen to read this I want you to know I love you so much and I'm so happy you've found joy through Jesus Christ!

As far as weeks go we didn't have a ton of excitement. Some good lessons, inviting lots of people to get baptized and everyone turning us down. But that's okay, we keep inviting them anyway.

We've been able to do a lot of stuff with the members so even when we don't see much progress with our friends I feel like I'm still accomplishing a lot, strengthening this ward, and building meaningful relationships. I love my ward here in Moca a lot. That's one of the magical things about the true Church of Jesus Christ. No matter where you go in the world, the people believe the same thing, have the same values, and welcome you in as part of the family. 

I hit my golden cumplemes this month. My month mark is the tenth and I hit ten months. We celebrated with Burger King.

Also my new favorite song is Wake Up Call. Friend Maylee Brower on facebook if you wanna know what I'm talking about, she's a legend.

I ran into one of my favorite scriptures this week in my reading. First Ammon and king Lamoni run into king Lamoni's father, there ends up being a fight, and when king Lamoni's dad realizes he's about to die, he says, "Wait! Spare my life and I'll give you anything you want! Up to half of my kingdom, I'll give you anything!" A couple chapters later he starts learning about the gospel and he says, "What shall I do that I may have this eternal life? Yea, what shall I do that I may be born of God, and receive His Spirit, that I might be filled with joy, that I may not be cast off at the last day? Behold, I will give up all that I possess, yeah I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy". (Alma 20:23, Alma 22:15).

This gospel is a gospel of joy. Really, the way that I gained my testimony was eventually taking the time to ask God if it was true. And my answer was basically, "Look how good your life is. Is there a way to true joy besides Jesus Christ?"

Faith in Jesus Christ helps us with our priorities. There are probably a lot of things in our lives that seem really important, maybe so important that they take the place of God. Oh yeah, I'll go to church... as long as there's not an important football game playing at the same time. Oh yeah, I'll read my scriptures, as soon as I finish this next episode. Oh yeah, I'll pray, if I don't get home too late from work. But really, this life is about learning our priorities and figuring out that truly, it is worth it to forsake (fill in the blank for yourself) that we may receive this great joy.

Have an absolutely epic week, you guys are awesome!!

Hermana Cazier


1-3.The Christmassed out park we live next to

4. My comp took this picture cuz she thought it was hilarious that I was doing laundry with a fan blowing on me... but I think it just shows how Dominican I am. I got my hair net and everything. 😂

5. Gotta get the bridge selfie

6. Thanks for the dress Mom!

7. "Don't stop dreaming"

8. Hit 10 months

9-10. Got my desk/photo collage set up how I like it

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