Friday, December 30, 2022

Biggest Miracle of My Mission, and it Happened on Christmas

Feliz navidad everyone!! I hope you all had a super merry Christmas! We did some super Christmassy things like stay up til midnight as a mission, play spikeball, eat lasagna, and attempt Christmas caroling (turns out that is not a thing at all in this country and everyone we sang to was just kinda like, ehhh what's happening right now)

On Christmas Eve we got to do some service! That was literally all I wanted to do for Christmas Eve since we didn't think anyone would really want to get taught on that day. We heart attacked a couple members' doors and one was the bishop whose wife just had a new baby five days before. They both looked exhausted. We asked if there was anything we could do, and the bishop was like, "wash dishes?" There was a mountain of dishes and we went to town. We finished all of them in about an hour and the bishop's wife cried. It felt really good to do something that actually made a difference to someone, cuz that is really what Christmas is about.

We got fed by members on Saturday and Sunday with minimal convincing from us. Hermana Lee and I made little Christmas presents for the other hermanas who live with us and they loved them. I was happy that we could give somebody a Christmas present because surprising your companion is kind of impossible.


Our friend Victor is one of the most prepared people I've ever met. He reads his Book of Mormón every day and wants to get baptized. He works to take care of his sick mom, and his boss won't let him have Sundays off. But he had Christmas off! And he has New Year's off too! We're making progress, and we're gonna involve the entire ward until we find this man a new job and baptize him!

And LISSAURY. We have been teaching this girl named Lissaury. We finally got her on date last week. She is an actual true investigator of truth. She's been to tons of churches before, really looking for the one that's true, and has already made word of wisdom and chastity related changes in her life because she recognized a lack of God in her life. And she's only 17!! We put her on date last week, then she didn't come to church yesterday. I was crushed. Because I really thought she was different from all the flaky investigators we have.

Then we went to her house last night and she bore her testimony to us. She talked about how she truly KNOWS that she has found the truth. And she did go to church yesterday. She went to the Elders' ward that neighbors our area. She lives closer to that ward building, but she has a lot of member support from our ward, so we had already gotten permission from President to baptize her in our ward because of all her member friends. But because she knows this is the truth, she didn't even care that she won't get to go to church with her best friend. She just wants to go to the true church.

I have never met someone so prepared. So honestly, truly converted. She is the biggest miracle of my mission. She has strengthened my testimony so much.

Merry merry merry Christmas!! The Church is true and God is still a God of miracles, that wasn't just a thing back in the day. God loves His children so much---we literally can't even comprehend the love without end that He has for us.

Hermana Cazier


1. We did a zone Christmas exchange and Hermana Cook and I had each other. I love her so much!!

2. Made the classic Cazier caramel smores bars. Our new convert's mom let us use her oven cuz ours turned out to be broken.

3. Mirror selfie

4. Us being Santa for the other hermanas

5. I ate dominican Krave on Christmas morning

6. Lights in the park

7. One time there was a super loud, wall shaking concert literally directly outside our window that lasted til midnight. I slept through it cuz that's how exhausting missionary life is

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