Friday, December 30, 2022

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas 2022

Guys! Merry Christmas. It's still Christmas Break and I'm getting all the good stuff on here and staying caught up and all that and it's basically a Christmas miracle. Thanks for all the prayers. :)

Christmas was great. You should know by now that we don't take a lot of pictures. We basically enjoy the day and take a few photos. So you can see the tidbits of the day.

Let's go back really fast to the day before. We can't forget the milk and cookies. Beau was super nice to make us cookies at the last minute. She even put peppermint extract in half of them to give them a Christmas twist. 

She also dyed her hair on Christmas Eve as well. I think it looks really hip on her. Analena helped her out with it. They basically go back and forth dying each other's hair. 

Okay, ready for Christmas morning? The stockings were placed on the couch with care. (We never hang ours.)

I was up early, getting stuff ready for breakfast, but the girls still serenaded our door to wake up Tyler. They sang a lovely rendition of Rudolph, the Red Nosed Snee! (It makes me so happy) Then it was downstairs to open stockings.

I really got a lot of random stuff for the stockings this year. Sometimes I wonder why this task is left up to me, but I really love it and no one complains...if they knows what's good for them.

Santa gifts were nice and small this year, but everyone seemed happy. Thanks Santa. ;)

We had a lot of fun gifts under the tree. Here is a sample of our treasures.

Ivory's favorite gift came to visit, wearing a tie she got him for Christmas. (All together now...aaaaahhhh.)

Crepes for breakfast too. Not sure why Beau likes to make faces with her food, but she does.

But the best gift of Christmas by far was getting to talk to June. We sure missed having her at home. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all the way out to the Dominican Republic! And we hope you had a good one as well.

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