Friday, December 23, 2022


Okay, here we go into a boat load of concerts. Some from last year and some from this year! All Christmas themed so perfect for a snowy day (which we are having here in Idaho today!) Grab a cup of hot chocolate and settle in for some silky Christmas tunes.

Let's start with Ivory since we were just talking about her last post. Last year she was in Madrigals. They had a very lovely song, but that's not the one I'm posting on here. They did the theme song from Elf and it was super cute. Look for Buddy in the video.

This year, Ivory is in Acapella. They actually didn't have a lot of time to work on Christmas songs since they just finished the Mega Concert, but they did one cool Africa song and then the Hallelujah Chorus. It is a long time tradition and Mr. Taylor invites all the alumni who have sung it previously to come up and join in. It was a very moving song. (Literally, he makes you stand up to listen)

We had a good crowd attending and we found Isaac after. He usually is close by.

Next up is Daisy. She always has choir concerts in December as well. Tis the season. Last year they did some really fun songs, including a beautiful melody with a harp. 

This year, they had some really fun songs. Daisy does Advanced Girls AND Acapella choir. The advanced girls did a fun number called Christmas in About Three Minutes, featuring lots of different carols. 

The Acapella choir did some fun numbers. I didn't record the one I really liked, but I found the whole recording later when they sent it out. I'm hoping that this link works and takes you to the right place. Click HERE. Keep watching to 24:54 for a fun song.

Still here for one more concert? We have Pearl who had her Christmas band concert this month. (Nothing from last year since she didn't play then...) She did a great job. The band played two songs instead of one, like the last concert. They are still a little rough around the edges. Mid song, I thought to myself...Wait, I've heard this before. Sound familiar

We had a few audience members. It was really nice of Ivory to come since her choir concert was the same evening. You may notice people wearing the same things from earlier pictures. 

Phew, there you have it. December concerts from 2021 & 2022. Merry Christmas.

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