Friday, December 23, 2022

The Ward Party

The Ward Christmas party is a weird thing. It is different every year depending on who is in charge. I actually don't mind what we do as long as I don't have to plan it. So I'm pretty easy to please.

Once again, let's look in on 2021. I think it was a breakfast, which we do now and then. From the pictures, it looks like June was busy. Actually, I'm not sure where Pearl is either? But don't we look festive in the photo booth. 

I tried to get some context from this picture of Ivory, but there isn't much to decipher. And I'm not a very good Sherlock. I only figured out it was a breakfast because of the timestamp on the photos.

I assume there was some entertainment, but I don't remember what it was. So instead you get some selfies of our group.

Now...2022. This year the party was a dinner. We got all fancy for it. We figured we might as well dress in the Christmas spirit. Once again, we were missing some people. Ivory was working and Tyler was out doing the Grinch Giveaway. (I'll post about that later...or he will.) We took some selfies beforehand and that is all the pictures we have of the party.

I'll give you the highlights: 

* They had pizza for the little kids. That is nice because there are definitely kids who don't like chicken and salad. 

* They put wrapping paper on the tables for tablecloths. Easy and fun. Great idea.

* There was NO entertainment or program whatsoever. They told Karen Mitchell to go over to the piano for caroling at some point. But no one stopped talking and I only saw two people singing, so they basically exiled her to the piano where she couldn't eat or socialize. Sad for Karen. 

* It was actually really fun to catch up with people and chat. Once again, I didn't mind the lack of structure. Just happy I didn't have to plan it. I guess we'll see what they come up with next year. Hope karma doesn't come for me...

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