Sunday, February 12, 2023


 Mi gente! Lots happened this week. On Tuesday we went to a funeral for the mom of somebody who we have been teaching. Her mom has been really sick for the past six weeks and was in a coma for a while. She passed away a week ago and we went to the funeral to support Francisca. She really needed a friend and sat next to me and held my hand for the whole funeral.

It was a Catholic funeral, which I have never been to before. There was a lot of praying by one person, then everyone would repeat a prayer together that usually started with "santa maria, madre de Dios" (holy Mary, mother of God). There was a lot of asking for forgiveness for the woman who had died as well as for all of the people at the funeral. It was very interesting to watch, and I think it was really good that we went for Francisca.

I had an exchange with my legendary Hermana leader Hermana Riddoch. I've wanted to be her comp since day one so one of my mission dreams came true, and it did not disappoint. She's a very spiritual person and I came away from the exchange with lots of ideas about how to become more in tune with the Spirit. One of the big ones is mixing up what I do. I really like efficiency and structure but sometimes I catch myself relying too much on myself and the way I do things and not enough on the Spirit and the way God would like me to do things. Just making the conscious choice to teach each lesson differently instead of repeating a lot of the lines I say makes me more open to be led by the Spirit and make a bigger difference in the lives of the people we're teaching.

We're teaching a goated man who is on page 115 of the Book of Mormon as of Saturday night. He's not sure about everything yet but I am positive he's going to get baptized. That's the power of the Book of Mormon. Literally, if you read it, there's no way you're not going to realize that it's true.

Our friend Woodson got baptized!! I was worried about this baptism because he's Haitian and Dominicans are kinda racist. We had just had Victor's baptism and a trillion people showed up to support him and it was amazing. Woodson came too and I was so worried that when his baptism happened the week after, no one would come and he would see the difference and feel excluded and unloved by this ward. Then the ward blew me away and a ton of people showed up and it was really good!

Our ward is SO INTO THE WORK!!! It's amazing. They are all fellowshipping our friends. They all want to go out with us and teach, and they're doing it!! This ward is working so hard to do God's work and it is the most beautiful thing to watch. I love this ward with all my heart.

And I'm leaving on Tuesday. I really didn't want to leave Moca. But I feel satisfied that I accomplished what God wanted me to accomplish here and learned what God wanted me to learn. I'm kind of scared of having a ward that's not as good as Moca, but then I think about it and remember that this ward wasn't like this when I first got here. We helped them get there, and if my next ward's not there yet, I'll know what part of my mission for that area is going to be.

I'm headed to Los Reyes. Back to my birth zone of Santiago Norte. My comp's name is Hermana Dominguez. She is awesome!! I am so excited to get to know her better and see so many miracles next transfer!!

I started reading a paragraph of my patriarchal blessing every day and I have felt so much more in tune with God and the Spirit this week. I invite all of you guys to do the same thing! I really like just taking a small piece of it at a time so I can really ponder and apply a different part of it every day. 

I love you all and hope you are thriving!! I definitely am!

Hermana Cazier


Sorry didn't mean to title that 6, it sent early.

Those pics were all goodbye ones, here's a couple from the baptism and us going to the funeral.

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