Sunday, February 12, 2023

Adiós mi casa de familia

(January 28th, 2022)

Last year, my parents finally moved. They've been trying to move for years. It almost felt like an empty threat after so long, but it wasn't actually a threat since they needed to get out of their house with it's too big mortgage. 

The cogs finally all lined up and the wheels turned in their favor. They found a place and they sold their house as well. They moved at the end of January. Daisy and I went out to help. We didn't know how we could best be of assistance, but we came to do whatever we could with the few days we had.

We flew out in the evening. You can tell Covid restrictions were still in place. So fun to wear a mark on the flight. 

It was sad to say goodbye to the house I grew up in, but it wasn't the worst. After all, I've lived away from there for years and years. And I learned , during my last move, that as long as you bring the people you love with you, you can live anywhere. The house is not the important thing. But it was still bittersweet to say goodbye to all the memories. The sunroom looked so different without all of the boxes stacked inside.

Ward members came to help and so did the missionaries. I spent time getting the fridge cleaned out. It's nice to leave a clean space for the next people. I never met the new residents but I heard they were a nice family.

That's it. All done. Goodbye house. It doesn't look the same in my dreams. The house was blue when I was little and it didn't have the addition on the right. I still always see it in my mind as blue.

At the new house, Daisy and I helped unload boxes. I spent most of my time putting the kitchen in order. You have to be able to cook, right? Daisy organized the pantry. She hauled around so many cans. But I don't feel bad for her since she also spent a lot of time watching movies with aunt Miranda to keep her company. 

I was very proud of the kitchen when I was done. They have such a nice, large island in the kitchen. I told them to never put ANYTHING on it. Look at cute Dad tuckered out in the corner.

It was nice to help my family but also to see them. I only get to visit now and then. 

All too soon, we had to leave. Back on the airplane and back to Utah. Look how pretty with the clouds and light. 

Now it has been over a year since they moved. They've made a lot of improvements to the house. Like the bridge I showed last September. And a large storage shed in the back. I hope they are about done doing renovations since they need to stop sinking money into the house. As Barry would say, "If you need something to do for the rest of your life, buy a house."

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