Monday, February 20, 2023

January Chatbook 2023

It's been a busy month in February already. Posts are stacking up. That means we are having lots of fun. But I need to wrap up January and get that all squared away. So let's get our random pictures taken care of. 

I had plans to take a Sunday selfie every week. Um...we did it once. It might happen again sometime this year...

We've had a lot of snow this season. It is pretty and most of the time I like it. As long as roads are clear, the snow can keep coming.

Not sure what happened to Pearl's arms. She looks like some weird creature. 

Moms take selfies too.

Some water droplets were on a tin outside. I think Pearl took a close-up picture. It looks really cool.

Braid crown for church.

Daisy likes to curl up in her Comfy. I think she looks like a weird Sumo wrestler. Definitely not natural.

Nicole got married!!! I'm so happy for her. We got to go to her reception. It was packed. So many people love those two. Congrats Rich and Nicole.

When we left the reception, we saw a truly creepy Elsa figure. The face is manga and not the right look for Elsa. (Even if she does have large eyes.)

We finally got June's mission plaque up at church. It only took us a year. :)

Pearl has been making some smoothies in the morning. She's still experimenting, but I've liked many of her concoctions.

I switched up the display at school. I really like the Pacman theme. It took a bit of work, but it was worth it. I also got the Blind date with a book up just before February.

We still make a lot of cakes around here. Some go to Beau's house and some stay here. I've never made pineapple upside down cake with pineapple chunks. It was really good that way.

One day, the flakes coming down were so fat, I made everyone go outside and catch them on their tongues. It was a perfect day for it.

Nova often sits stupidly. Sometimes a bit more stupidly than other times. 

Tyler forgot his keys to the Airbnb one time so we drove them halfway up to him. It was a great excuse to stop for ice cream and listen to our audio book. We were listening to Okay for Now. I highly recommend it.

Doesn't it look like the sky split, leaking light through?

When your breakfast watches you.

I finally ordered a sign from Jenaca. Her signs are so beautiful. But I can't be normal. It took me a long time to decide what to put on it. Does anyone get the reference? All my kids do.

Even with all the snow, the birds seem to be eating well. Look how fat that quail is.

Tricia and I went to see Pride and Prejudice. It was amazing. The actors were so fantastic. It made me want to buy tickets for the girls right away, but they were sold out on the days we could go. Bummer. We'll have to watch the movie soon.

Nova has been such a stinker recently. She is getting in trouble all the time. She is a busy body. If she finds your clothes on the floor, she'll use them as a blanket for sure.

I finally started a small Spikeball group after school on Fridays. I'm only gotten a few teachers to come and play with me, but it is so fun. It is the perfect way to end a week.

Pearl is still doing her thing. This puzzle looked kind of tricky, but she finished it so quickly.

I signed up for a walking challenge in October. It was a Lord of the Rings challenge. I was supposed to walk the distance from the Shire to the tavern at Bree (to meet Gandalf). It was supposed to encourage me to walk more. It didn't really. But I did finally walk the correct distance and I got my medal in the mail. It's so cute right?

And on the back was a little letter that says, "Keep it secret, keep it safe" Imagine my surprise when I opened it up to find THE RING! Oh my goodness. It almost makes me want to continue the quest towards Mordor, but this ring will have to remain with me. Too bad it can't make me invisible...

I don't know who did Pearl's hair, but it is so pretty. 

Yay for temple trips with Brooklyn and with sisters. Tyler is so good about taking the girls.

Signs that you live in a house full of girls.

Daisy is the funniest sleeper. She just piles the blankets on and around her. I bet she has at least eight on that bed.

This is happening soon. We were so excited to get the invite. It's next weekend now! We are thrilled to have Ellen join the family.

I love that Daisy painted the window for Valentine's day, but even better, Tyler finally put up my curtains. He didn't want to since the dog destroyed the last ones, but I think they look great. 

Found this picture recently. Can you believe how cute they all are? This would be a great picture to recreate.

Ivory is so cute in this selfie. She looks like a hot librarian. 

Beau has been super busy. She took a CNA class and got her certification and got a job all in one month. She had to get up super early on Saturday mornings to do clinicals and follow another CNA around. She would send me pictures at 5:30 in the morning to prove she was up and moving. I'm so proud of her. She can do anything when she puts her mind to it.

She also made these chocolates in a class. Um...I also support this. Especially when we get to sample.

I had a favorite things party. It was such a blast. I didn't even think to take pictures. Thanks to Beau for getting this one for me. I had so many lovely friends come and I got some great products and items. I really know the best people.

The last day of January, Tyler and I left on a trip to Jamaica, with his Real Estate Team. I left a sign at school to let the kids know where I was. I only felt a little guilty leaving them in the snow and freezing cold weather.

Whew. January was so busy and February is keeping us on our toes as well. I hope your year is keeping you entertained.

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