Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Mega Concert - Disney Style

(February 9th, 2022)

Whew. I've been gone for a heartbeat as I try to get my life in some kind of balance. This means the blog has been pushed back once again. BUT (and that's a big but) I did get the ward history submitted. That is my new calling. Ward Historian. Yep, snore. And they put me in right when everything was due. Thanks all. But I bugged everyone and got it all submitted before the first of March. That's a win in my book. And I'm definitely going to figure out a system that gets people to submit things through the year instead of waiting til people are singing Auld Lang Syne.

Today, we are going back a year again to the Mega Concert. Oddly, Mega Concert already happened for this school year, back in November. It is traditionally in February, but they switched it around this year. Regardless, that doesn't really matter. Mega Concert was so fun last year. The theme was Disney and who doesn't love Disney songs and know at least a dozen of them? 

Ivory was in Con Brio last year, so she got to sing lots of girly songs. (Those are often the best anyway.) They started by singing a compilation of multiple songs. They had a lot of fun ones. They had a Hercules song in there, so they were wearing white with gold accents. I think in one of the pictures, you can see a gold band on Ivory's arm. She looks so cute with her braids.

The boys had some fun numbers. I think my favorite was another compilation, but it included I'll Make a Man Out of You. I love that song. And I love these guys. Brock, Isaac, and Parker all up on the same podium. What great guys. 

The other number the girls did was the song from Enchanted. Weirdly their costumes were shirts that said McKay Card Fan Club. I think he was the choir president, but I don't think the girls were really that into him. It was just a fun thing for the concert. They had cutouts of him that the girls ogled over, and then he made a real appearance on stage. The effect was pretty funny.

They finished with High School Musical. (Very appropriate.) You can see Ivory for a bit. She even has a microphone, but she was instantly swallowed up in the crowd when the front row stood up. You could sometimes catch her between people.

It was such a fun evening. The individual and group numbers were also super fun. They even had a sing -along with the audience where we all sang Frozen. Is there a song more well known than Let It Go? It was probably one of my favorite Mega Concerts. And naturally, we got a picture of our favorite performer afterward. (Ivory, not Isaac)

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