Thursday, March 9, 2023

February Chatbook 2022

Lots of stuff to still post about for February of this year, but last year is officially in the books, so it's time to add all the tid bits. It's like the parsley on the side of a good meal. It doesn't add nutritional value, but it looks good. :)

I did blind date with a book last year. It was the first time I put it together, and naturally it looks very similar to this year (in the January chatbook) The kids liked it so much that we did it again this year. I'm very happy with the end result. It does take a lot of effort to put it together, but it is so much fun to unwrap a book.

Pearl and I went to Treasure Island. (I have mentioned this before.) It was super fun with all the water. People were swimming around the stage and almost everyone who died, fell into the water. (Even from great heights.) It was a really fun show!

Here is a morning talking to June. It was still a pretty new thing to be chatting over computer. June was at the MTC still. Now it seems like a normal way to spend our Mondays.

Beau started learning to ride the grom. She has since gotten her motorcycle license. But you have to start somewhere.

Tyler was still doing his dad jokes. It is kind of amazing how many he has done.

Finally got the crosstitches up. We got some of the wrong mattes and I had to wait while they ordered more in. I wanted to frame them with June, but instead I did them myself and sent her pictures.

Tyler introduced us to one of his favorite games. I don't want to be negative about it, since I think being financially savvy is important, but let's just isn't a game I would enjoy playing often.

Beau cut Tyler's hair and gave it some extra style. I think it looked cool, but I did notice that Tyler has not asked for another cut from her. :)

Daisy loves straws. I don't always love when she uses them at home or collects them from places. I much prefer her collection of tiny spoons.

I guess I missed this picture since we did Ivory's birthday down south. Is that a no bake cookie? Gee, I really went all out. But that face is worth it.

I made my own fruit leather. It was not too bad, but the process of having it cool in the oven for hours hasn't inspired me to try it again.

These heels are adorable. Ivory is practically on her tippy toes.

I made Cookies and Cream ice cream. It was so delicious. I like the kind you have to cook on the stove first. It is so creamy.

Ivory is pretty good at making bread. It tastes so yummy, even if it is sometimes misshapen. That one on the right looks like some kind of larva about to hatch.

It is hard to tell when Ivory dresses up for Valentine's Day because pink is her normal digs.

Did I mention that Ivory is a bleeder? She gets bloody noses on the regular. She even wakes up with them sometimes.

You tell me...which is creepier? That tarantula or the face Isaac is making in the background?

Here's some art from Robyn during her senior year. The first is a painting she was working on. I love the clouds. The second is...I'm not sure what? She painted it on her mirror, but must have taken it off, since I never saw it. And the third is more progress on the chocolate self portrait.

If the dog is on a bed, guaranteed, it is not mine. Even if she is cute.

Sunday selfies. I miss when Robyn took those. She always found great light.

Last one...I missed a puzzle that Pearl did. I think it was on June's phone. 

February is one of my favorite months. It flies by and leads us away from winter. 

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