Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Miracles Don't Stop

 Hey mis amigos!!

Today was the last week of the transfer. Big rip because that means I am being split up from one of my best friends in the world. We've grown so much this transfer and experienced so many things together. I truly will miss her so much and be forever grateful for the six weeks I got to spend with the legendary Hermana Domignuez.

We had an amazing last week though. Worked HARD. Saw miracle after miracle. Had 41 member lessons (shoutout to some queens in our ward who went out with us all day a couple times, Emely and Glendry). The Spirit was present in every lesson. I've never been so just straight spiritual on my mission as I have during these last few weeks and it has felt amazing.

On Wednesday a couple plans and backup plans fell through and we didn't know what to do, so we said a prayer that God would guide us. Literally seconds after, a small Haitian family walks by us struggling to carry a fridge. We offered to help and they said no. But we had literally said a prayer and then a family carrying a fridge showed up---could we have asked for a more obvious sign? We turned around and started helping without asking again and it turned out that they have been to church before and they asked for a copy of the Book of Mormon before we even brought it up! 

Then right after we found this legit elegido family who came to church yesterday! People who come to church the first Sunday after the contact are goated.

So moral of the story, God is mindful of us and answers prayers.

We taught this lady named Yohanna who also came to church on the first Sunday after we met her, and we put her on date and I thought she was gonna be the fastest baptism of my mission. Then she texted us and was like, "Now that you've told me a little about your religion, I'd like to tell you about mine. The Cristiana Evangelica is the only true church and it's my responsibility to tell you and let you know that the true baptism is done in a river." She was very kind about it and it really was out of love because she is our friend. But it was still a big rip. But I haven't lost hope yet because she said she felt peace when she prayed about Joseph Smith.

The Elders we ward share with had a baptism on Saturday of this cute girl named Luz. It was such a joyful experience. I love baptisms.

As for transfer news, Dominguez is headed to Los Jardines to be with the amazing Hermana Peña and I'll be staying here training a newbie. I'm pumped cuz I wasn't expecting that but it's honestly what I would have picked. 

I love you all! Have an amazing week!

Hermana Cazier


1. Elizabeth

2. Nesly

3. Maria, Mary Jane (totally named after MJ from Spiderman), and Eva. This photo just captures the vibes so well

4. Glendry and Elizabeth

5. MNMs, stands for Monday Night Miracles. I love that we get to pros for three hours after P day ends cuz that time is always full of miracles

6. I ran into Benjamin at La Sirena! He was my ward mission leader in my first area!

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