Friday, March 24, 2023

Finally Balloons Again

(February 20th, 2023)

February is always a happy month since it includes Ivory's birthday! She turned 17 this year. Hard to believe. Time is flying and kids are getting older. I hope my children come and visit, once or twice a month. (Props if you recognized that line from a Lukas Graham song.)

I promised Ivory a caramel apple for winning her blood match, so we went to get that in the morning. She really loves caramel apples. 

I also got her balloons. It has been a couple years since Ivory has had balloons. I think I forgot them on her 15th birthday (even moms aren't perfect) and then we were down south last year. I didn't realize the balloons were important, but Ivory has mentioned them more times than I can count. So there you have it kiddo. Balloons!

Ivory's birthday happened to fall on the holiday from school, so we were able to take the day to go do something fun—her choice. She picked rock climbing. Isaac came along and we had a great time. We all learned to belay and then up we went. Here are some fun photos from the experience. (Note: there are no photos of me. I was there and I asked Tyler to get a couple pictures, but he took them from right underneath me and no one really wants to see a picture of my behind.)

We came home and did presents afterward. Ivory got some great things. We made her close her eyes and guess some of them. 

Ivory's big gift was an electric keyboard. Somehow we didn't get a picture of it, but we DID get a picture of some hooligans in the keyboard box.

The older girls are slowing down in growth. I think Ivory may have reached her maximum height. She will be petit just like her momma.

I made a raspberry roll cake for her. It has been a while since I made this. It is tasty. I thought it would be harder for her to blow out the candles with the length of the cake, but Ivory was tricksy and she turned it sideways. Then in one epic breath, she blew them all out. It was pretty awesome!

In the evening, we all curled up for a movie. Ivory chose The Care bear Movie. :) Beau finally showed up. She accidentally slept through Ivory's activities since she was still adjusting to her new work schedule. But she made it for the movie. 

Happy birthday beautiful Ives! We love you.

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