Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Faith and Patience


I've never picked a favorite book in the Book of Mormon before because I always start to pick one then I'm like, but this one is so good too and this other one is awesome and then I just decide I like the whole book. But this week was my Alma week in my speed through. I read almost the whole thing and I LOVE Alma. Especially as a missionary. It just goes from one epic spiritual boost to the next and reading it this week has been amazing. 

I ran across a verse I remember from when I had just started my mission. End of the first week of home MTC, I woke up at 6:30 and was exhausted from the week and the schedule and everything, and I thought to myself, "holy cow, I have to do this for EIGHTEEN MORE MONTHS" Then I just got on my knees and asked God, "what do I do? How do I get through this?" And that morning in my study I read Alma 34:3. 

"And as ye have desired of my beloved brother that he should make known unto you what ye should do, because of your afflictions; and he hath spoken somewhat unto you to prepare your minds; yea, and he hath exhorted you unto faith and to patience"

That was an answered prayer in that moment. And now it's been 14 months since that answer. It's funny how things change but don't change. I love the mission and so much and if I think too hard about how little time left, I cry. This has been the best part of my life. I've learned a lot about having faith and patience. But it's not like I'm an expert now in having faith and patience. It's kind of a daily battle. And the days I feel like I'm winning are the days when I don't try to be strong and conquer alone, but rather the days when I give it all to God and confess plainly that I know that without Him I am nothing, as to my own strength I am weak. 

This week was really good. Honestly lacking in stories but it just felt good. We had days that were packed with a lot of contacts and lessons. We also had days that everything fell through, but we made the best of our time and came home feeling successful with some new people to visit. So I'd call it a win.

We did get dumped on finally and that felt good. It had been a few months since I prossed soaked and I missed it. At MLC we got pumped up about baptizing people who are actually ready, not just people who have been to church the required number of times.

My comp is a rockstar. She had to leave the area twice when I went to MLC and then for an exchange and she just rolled with it even when she was in an all Spanish compañionship. She is so awesome. 

Salomon, one of our new members, has been teaching me creole this whole last transfer. I'm starting to be able to talk about things that aren't gospel related and I've actually fallen in love with creole. It's actually the sickest language ever and it makes me sad to think that I'll probably lose everything that I know because I don't actually know that much, and I will never have opportunities to use it after the mission.

Anyway. Missions are the best. The gospel is true. Life is amazing because God is part of it.

Hermana Cazier


1. We celebrated the 181st anniversary of the Relief Society in the botanical gardens and it was such a fun chill ward event with a ton of food

2. Snagged a pic of the monument from an uber window and it actually turned out well

3. Our best effort at celebrating pi day right


5. Happy St. Patrick's day! Only two of the compañionships in this foto knew it was St. Patrick's day but the Spirit inspired them to wear green anyway.

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