Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Beads and Goodbyes

(February 6th-7th, 2023)

I have to wrap up these posts. So many things have been happening and I need to get caught up. But I need to give Jamaica some closure. It was such a great trip and we still have a few things to report.

Breakfast was one of my favorite meals of the day. I have to admit that we were much better about taking pictures because we were always trying to get Jason. You can't see him, but I promise he's back there.

This was our last day of Spikeball. Once again I have Jason to thank for these weird but awesome shots.

In the afternoon, the weather started to cloud over. I can't complain since we had such lovely weather for most of the week, and even with rain, it was still warm. The beading class started before the rain but ended with most of us a bit drippy. It was really cool though. They dumped a ton of bead bags on the table and you were allowed to forage for whatever you liked. Then you could make up to two pieces. I worked on anklets.

A guy named Jimmy would tie them off when you were done. He was very deft. I imagine he does this every day. He had his own table with stuff you could buy, although it did seem weird that he couldn't spell jewelry.

By lunch time, I decided to chill on the beach. Three large meals was too much for me, and I decided to skip lunch this time. I thought I would read, but the rain went from a little drizzle to fat drops. A towel over my book wasn't going to cut it, so I went back and got our umbrella from the room. Then I took pictures of my fun anklets and the empty beach.

Our catamaran ride that was canceled before was rescheduled for that day. After lunch, everyone came back together and the rain had stopped, so it looked like smooth sailing for us. The weather was nice, but it was still a little chilly since we were in the wind. Some people bundled up in towels or we snuggled up together.

There was also a bar on board, but we didn't get anything. The end destination used to be Rick's cafe. It is a famous location where you can jump from the cliffs into the ocean. (This seems like a poor location for a bar, but whatever.) Instead, they now take you to some caves and let you swim into them. The water had gotten choppier, so they took us to a different location, but still with a cave. The first picture is Rick's and the second is our swimming location. They want you to swim in the left cave and out the right. (Look closely and you can see someone diving into the water. There was a teenager doing crazy jumps off the cliff in front of the cave, trying to get tips. How do you tip someone in the water?)

After donning a life vest, you just jump in. Tyler and I were already on our way when the group took this picture, but I love seeing them all jump together.

The cave was pretty cool. The waves were big and it was hard to swim anywhere, but we made slow progress in and out. Out was sketchy. It was a much smaller exit with waves that brought your head up to the rocks. I asked myself again, why they thought letting people drink before tossing them into a cave was a good idea?

But everyone made it back. (At least everyone in our group.) On the way back, the weather turned for the worse. It started to rain like crazy. Sheets of rain that came at the boat sideways. There wasn't anywhere you could sit to stay dry. Cari hadn't done the cave swimming because she wanted to stay dry, so it was sad to watch the water dripping off her glasses as the ceaseless rain drenched us. I sat it out but many in our group just rolled with it. They danced and sang, and took pictures. It was chilly, but might as well get your money's worth. And if you are on a boat, you have to take at least one Titanic picture.

Once we were off the catamaran, we all raced for the jacuzzi. It was the first time we had been cold and the hot water was delightful. We weren't the only ones with the same idea. That hot tub was packed. That was a crazy sailing trip, but no one will forget it.

Our last sunset was pretty but cloudy. Time to clean up and pack up Spikeball for good. Thank you beach for the good times. (Oh, I lie. This picture was from the day before, but the sunset was very similar.)

Dinner was actually amazing. It was food from around the world. One stand was making burgers and they looked fantastic. So I ended my cruise with a good old fashioned hamburger. It was delicious! The entertainment was supposed to be a magic show, but I think they changed it up at the last minute since it was Bob Marley's birthday. Yep, in Jamaica for Bob Marley's birthday. So they had a singer do a tribute to him. We got up to dance to One Love

Most of the evening we spent packing getting ready to leave in the morning. But Tyler did take a moment to save my life. I brushed my teeth and came back to bed to find a spider on the covers. (Not the nice jumper variety.) It actually wasn't that big, but he was not allowed to stay. Yuck.

In the morning, we had time to get breakfast before leaving. I took a picture of some of my favorite things. They had a granola/muesli mix with fruit that was so tasty. And fresh juices. I'll miss those.

There was actually someone using the pool!!! But it was just for scuba instruction. Not for swimming. That doesn't really count.

Goodbye room. 

Tyler got a couple pictures on the beach. Got to have a shemagh vacation pic.

One last game of pool. I think it would be easier if my arms were longer.

Then onto the bus and on to the airport. As we took another selfie with Jason in the back, Jared requested to be our photobomber on the next trip. Sure. We'll be holding auditions a week before the next trip. Please bring your resume and a few photos of your work.

Props if you can find Jason in this picture.

Tyler got himself a neck pillow for the trip back. Now we could both sleep easier.

There was a flurry as we made sure to get a few more pictures with Jason. We wanted to make sure we reached our goal. The bobsled is a nice touch.

Guys, it was so fun. I feel so close to this group. And we'll always have these fun memories together. 

I sat by Tyler for our first flight and then we mixed it up and sat girls and guys on our flight back to Utah. That way we could play games. 

Beau picked us up when we got home and we were back to real life. What an experience!

Just a couple more pics for the road. A guy on the beach sketched our group playing Spikeball and then gave us the photo. Can you pick us out?*

Also, it was astounding how many times they played Sweet Caroline while we were there. We always tried to surround Caroline and sing to her. In the restaurant, on the beach, at the disco and even while we were playing pool!! We love you Caroline. 

Ya mon! Peace out.

*Tyler and I are the two on the right. I'm the one with the lobster claw. 

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