Sunday, March 19, 2023

Training's the Best!

"Dang, tomorrow's P day? I wish it wasn't so we could just keep working"

 - my LEGENDARY trainee Hermana Streadbeck

I am not kidding when I say she is the best. I got to pick her up from the office on Tuesday and since then we have been having the time of our life. 

She already speaks a ton of Spanish and is just so pumped about missionary work. It's amazing to be with a greenie again cuz it just brings a different fire to the companionship.

She is killing it. It's been so fun this week to hit all the firsts: first time teaching the restoration, first time walking up to a random stranger and asking them if they want to learn about Jesus, first time seeing a Dominican avocado (honestly wish I would have filmed that one), first time taking a carrito, first time inviting someone to get baptized. 

We are teaching this escogido couple Wander and Erika and we gave them a Book of Mormon on her birthday and they're reading it and they're literally just golden. Then on Saturday we show up to their house and someone else random is in their house and is like, "Oh, Wander and Erika? Yeah, they moved." They don't have a phone so we were just like, shoot. Hopefully they come to church.

They didn't, but on Sunday afternoon we went back to not their house and the random guys in their house were like, don't worry, they're on their way. We shelled beans for a while and they showed up so milagros pasan.

Honestly I just had so much fun this week. I love my comp so much. I love the people we are teaching so much and it sucks that many of them are choosing to not keep commitments because I know they're missing out on so much. I love the Book of Mormon and I love God. It's been a week of trusting Him and praying hard as I remembered what it's like to train again. I love depending on God more because there is no one better to depend on.  


1. Francisca, one of my investigators from my last area, hunted me down and came to church here haha

2. We had a FHE with a family and it took so long that the food was brought out at 9. We ran home and ate the pasta and platanos from our house in pajamas and sent them the picture of us enjoying the food too.

3. Random selfie

4. Torres went home! Te extrañaré Hermana Torres! Also Sister Brower and Sister Glover. Three of my past comps who I look up to and love all died this transfer (o sea, they went home)

5. Bernado y Elizabeth

6. Zone pic from last transfer

7. Pan de coco, amazing

8. Salomon y Bernado

9. And one more random selfie.

I love you guys!! Have an AMAZING semana!

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