Wednesday, April 5, 2023


(March 5th, 25-26th, 2022)

Pearl mentioned the other day that she was really glad she wasn't doing cheer this year. I think it was quite stressful, although still fun. I'm also glad these posts are in the rearview mirror. March had a couple competitions, so I'm combining them into one post. (That's how I roll.)

Tyler had been taking Pearl to many of her competitions and March was no different. He was in charge of the comp the day after her birthday. Do you notice anything different about this picture? 

I didn't at first, but if you look closely, she has Band-Aids covering her ears. The girls can't have jewelry on while they compete, but Pearl got her ears pierced the day before so she couldn't take them out. The Band-Aids were an easy fix and I don't believe anyone noticed.

I know you've seen this routine a dozen times, but I'm including this one because they had a fall. That is pretty unusual for the Phoenix team. The back group dropped a girl. Don't worry, no injuries, but I was surprised. Also, Pearl is no longer doing her back tuck. I think she got cut from that stunt. It probably means she wasn't hitting it consistently. They are pretty brutal about accuracy.

It didn't seem to matter though. Their team took first place and they got jackets. Pretty cool. 

Her next competition was a few weeks later. It was a double day comp, so Tyler took her on Friday and I took her on Saturday. This time the earrings came out.

They did a really good job. I love how high they throw their flyers.

Lunch with Dad after.

I took Pearl the second day. They performed again and did awesome. They got a special button for getting zero deductions. (There were probably minor mistakes, but nothing that took off points.) 

They were pretty excited. I think they already knew they got first place.

After lunch, we came back and they got their champion jackets. They were yellow this time.

Like I said, I'm really glad Pearl had this experience, and glad we aren't doing it again.

Oh, here is some bonus footage. This is Pearl practicing her jumps, in slow motion. 

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