Monday, April 3, 2023

When I Sing La la la

(March 2022 & 2023)

March is a typical month for a choir concert. At least at the Junior High. But sometimes the High School will sneak something in there as well. I have a few concerts to share today. Mostly, I want you to notice how different Daisy is in one year. She grew up quite a bit between 8th and 9th grade.


Daisy was in Concert Choir and Advanced Girls in 8th grade. (Advanced Girls was before school, so they were a dedicated group of girls.) Here are some pictures from the concert and then a song by the Advanced Girls. Daisy looks so tiny. 


Pearl is taking Choir this year, but she's only taking it the second half of the school year. They combined the all-year 7th grade choir with the semester group and they sang several songs in the concert last month. She looks great. I like how Mrs. Wagstaff chooses fun numbers that have both groups singing a different part.

Daisy is still doing choir. She is now in Acapella and Advanced Girls. (Advanced girls was made a regular class, which means the girls who take it are even more dedicated because they made room in their schedule.) For the March concert, instead of singing at the Junior High, the older choirs went to sing with the High School. It is a fun Cluster Choir Concert. Oddly, Ivory's Acapella Choir didn't sing because they are busy learning festival songs. 

Daisy got to sing a duet for the concert and her name showed up on the program. Cool.

There was a final number with all the choirs together, but I didn't like that one as well as the others. But overall, it was a very fun evening and it is neat for the Junior High choir to get a taste of what High School concerts will be like.

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