Monday, April 24, 2023

March Chatbook 2023

Just a hop skip and a jump away from March. Let's see what little random things we were up to last month.

Guys, I truly have an addiction to these Cadbury Mini Eggs. They are so amazing. Luckily, so does everyone else. So if we open a bag, it is gone within the day, sometimes the hour. We buy way too many bags when these are in the store, but they are only there for a limited you have to.

Here are a couple of my library calendars. Someone asked me what the sheep were for. (They couldn't tell the difference between the lions and sheep.) I said, "You like a lion, out like a lamb." They had never heard that phrase. But you have, right reader? I don't think I'm THAT old.

Ivory and I took an evening out for ice cream at Rockwell. They have such interesting flavors. I tried their signature G.O.A.T. ice cream with a goat cheese base, blackberry and lemon swirls and honey rosemary almonds. You could really taste the rosemary. It was definitely different.

I have no idea why Tyler took this picture, but it is hilarious and super cute.

I'm trying to keep up on my yoga. I'm not consistent, but I enjoying doing it when I have time. Often it is first thing in the morning or at night. Nova seems to sense I'm coming down to her level and she often gets in the way. This is her way of being a part of my session. Little stinker.

Pink socks day again. Didn't get a group picture, again. But I sent my picture to Tyler and he sent his to me. :)

Jorri helped me design some cards with the teachers' pictures and favorite books on them. I really liked how it turned out. I had enough people fill out the survey that it filled up my board and spilled around the corner. Reading is so awesome.

This picture is super cute. Ivory and Isaac were trying to take a picture together every day. This one is proof that she has my duck earrings. I want them back!

I told you that Dad is the lunch bagger now. When we went to Seaquest, we took a lunch and he did a bag for all of us. So nice of him. You'll have to guess what the jokes were. They were your typical dad joke fare.

Sunday selfie. Um...what is Daisy doing??

I really love this picture. The sun was streaming in from the sunroom. I was resting on my bed and enjoying the idea of sun in general. There hasn't been enough of it this month.

I took Daisy and Pearl to see A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder. It was a strange little play. I really enjoyed the guy who played five or so characters. He was every character in the one family. It was also a musical, which was weird, but some of the songs were pretty catchy. And yes, Daisy is still making that face.

There is this store called The Painted Tree in our area. It is pretty epic. There are over a hundred vendors in there with their little shops. There are so many fun items. It is where I found the butterfly for Ivory's prom hair. (wait for it...) Tyler came shopping with me and I found this sign that I really liked. It seems appropriate.

Tyler got this picture of a squirrel. I think he took it up at his Air BnB. I'm a little jealous. We don't get many squirrels around here and I really miss them. They are so cute.

Mark borrowed Tyler for a screen printing job. He brought Karen and told us to take some time together. Mark even scheduled a pedicure for us. How sweet is that? We had a lot of fun getting our toes done. I actually chose at random from the color rack. I got a sparkly blue and I put it over a lighter blue. I love it.

I spend quite a bit of time listening to books on my headphones nowadays. Sometimes in the library when there are no students, or at home if I don't want to bother people. (I can see myself as a grandma making treats and listening to books.) Tyler will also put his headphones on to keep his noise to himself. It seems kind of funny when we both have headphones on, but I took a selfie since we are cute anyway.

Apparently Tyler's coworkers play board games on Fridays. I think he is usually too busy to play, but he joined in the other day and liked the game so much that he brought it home. I believe it was called Space Base. I thought it was REALLY fun. It is one I would happily own. Some strategy and plenty of luck. It has the Catan feel where you hope people roll the right thing.

Nova is such a goose. Every month there are dozens of pictures of her on people's phones. (Not mine.) Pearl just got a phone for her birthday at the beginning of this month. I was actually curious if she had more pictures of Nova or herself. Any wagers? It was actually a close race. There were 52 pictures of Pearl and 58 of Nova. Clearly two subjects she loves dearly. :) Nova is entertaining. I like when she sticks her butt in the air and looks like she's about to pounce on the ball. She'll hold that position for quite a while if she thinks you are playing with her. 

She will chase a ball for hours. But she also loves being cuddled and loved. What can I say? Such a goose.

We are currently at the end of April, and I think we've put the snow behind us for the season. I'm sure there will still be a few chilly days, with a dusting of snow (it is Utah after all) but hopefully no more drifts and icy roads. Snow and ice are beautiful, but 5 months is plenty.

Our family book group has been a little lax this year. It is hard to get everyone reading since school is busy and life is busy. We added Analena and she picked Frankenstein as her book. I had actually never read it before. I was super annoyed at the book, but happy to have finally read it. I made some treats for the chat and Daisy helped me decorate. Analena had this freaky bunny at her house. It seemed like a fitting monster for Frankenstein to have made. Thanks for hosting Analena.

Ivory took the ACT test in early March. She really wanted to get at least a 29 so she could get a full ride scholarship to Utah Tech. We went to Jurassic Taco to celebrate after her test and our number was 29. I told her it was a sign that she was going to get a score she liked. I actually guessed she would get higher than that. Sure enough. She got a 33! Superb Ivory! What a brainy kid.

I know this picture is Beau and Baby together. But it was also a game night where we had Basil over and we played Mysterium. That was an interesting game. I'm not sure I was very good at it. It kind of had Murder in Hong Kong Vibes mixed with Dixit vibes. It was fun to try though. I love that the Orem library lets you check out games. It has been such a blast.

I missed an entire ballroom competition. I found pictures on Ivory's phone. I think it was the same night as Pearl's birthday so I can see why I didn't attend. Ivory doesn't take video of her performances since she is in them, go figure. But she did take a video of another group. They were so good and it was such an awesome performance because the music stopped in the middle, but they still finished strong. That has to be so hard to try and stay on beat when there isn't one.

Guess I'm going to mention our walking challenge here. Ivory is trying to walk more. She has a goal for 365 miles this year. That can be biking, walking, or running. To inspire her to go more, I told her she should join one of the Conqueror Challenges. (Do you remember my Lord of the Rings one?) I told her we could even compete against each other. She was so confident that she said she could beat me AND Tyler combined.'s on. Let me just say. We are slaughtering her. I may have stopped recording our miles so she can catch up. Poor thing. But she is much better about taking pictures on her walks. There's that. (Oh, we are doing the Great Barrier Reef challenge. It is 100 miles.)

Hahaha. Also, she was really dying for the Fruity Pebbles cake I made ages ago. She's never forgotten it. So she tried making it herself. was close. She mixed up the ratio of krispies to marshmallow and it was WAY too much marshmallow. The cake sort of sunk down on itself. But it still tasted okay and Ivory finished it all. (With help of course.)

Ivory still volunteers at Primary's frequently. They asked her to help paint the window in an Easter theme for the upcoming month. That bunny is all sorts of freaky. It actually seems fitting for what I think of the Easter Bunny, but I'm hoping no kids were harmed in the seeing of it.

Red and Gold week happened at the high school. That is when they vote on Student Council for the next year. I'm not quite sure what this picture is all about. Something about Ivory and her three bears. The mascot, Isaac, and some bear on her phone? Please see Ivory for more details.

Let's wrap up with some Beau deets. She and Analena gave each other some more ear piercings. Beau got another up high. Analena got several, on each side. Poor thing. She couldn't sleep well on either side of her head. But they look cute and I like the matching pink pigs.

Finally, you made it through. This last picture is genius. Daisy and Beau agree that frozen Cool Whip is better than ice cream. They like to eat it straight out of the carton. In this case, Beau carved out a heart in her ice cream and filled it with Cool Whip and froze it again. It looks pretty and probably tastes great. I don't think I'm patient enough to try it.

Kudos if you made it through this long chatbook. Always fun to have lots of weird things going on. March was a great month, but I'm glad to see all its snowy goodness in the rear view mirror.

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