Sunday, April 23, 2023

Blazer Blast and Teen Author Boot Camp

(March 24th & 25th, 2023)

This is a post that perhaps Ivory should have written, but I'm making her and Tyler write me a nice, big, juicy post about Choir Tour so I'll get this one for her.

Ivory is thinking about colleges right now because she'll start applying next year. Some local universities put on events for students to come check out the campus and see what it would be like to attend there. Ivory signed up for Blazer Blast which is Utah Tech's overnight experience. Isaac signed up too, so we got a bonus person in the car. 

We planned to leave in the afternoon on a Friday. This is what it looked like in the morning when Ivory left for Seminary. Gotta love the never ending winter. 

Tyler thought it was very sweet that Ivory left a note requesting a lunch bag with a joke. He has become the defacto lunch bagger. (I feel like if Tyler knew the mascot for Utah Tech was a Bison, he would have done an Australian joke, but the Beaver isn't bad.)

The roads actually weren't too bad by the afternoon. Sure, it snowed some, but it didn't stick and it was smooth sailing. So smooth, Isaac was able to sleep soundly.

We did wake him up to get ice cream though.

The check in was simple. They corralled us into the gym where parents sat on one side and kids on the other. Ivory decided to sit apart from Isaac. Nothing kills making new friendships like bringing your boyfriend. And she hit it off with people right away.

I took the parent tour and it was pretty interesting. The campus is lovely and many of the buildings are updated or new. They have so many programs and certificates you can get there. I think it would be an awesome place to go to college. We ended up the tour at the top of the library where you have a great view of the surrounding valley.

I took myself out to dinner and ate some Indian food. So delicious. Then I stayed at a friend's house. Shout out to Julie for letting me crash at her place. 

Meanwhile Ivory got her own tour. The University is so close to the temple. It's just right over there.

Ivory met some really fun people. She was in the yellow group. Here is a picture of Ryan, Molly, and Ives. 

The girls ended up sleeping in the Human Fitness Center. Ivory was a little chilled and she put blankets over her head to stay warm. One of the ambassadors started to clean up her area in the morning without realizing Ivory was still in it. :) Breakfast was a little late so they made everyone play games. Ivory loved that...not at all. (You must feed her first thing in the morning.)  

I met up with the crew around lunch time, so it seemed prudent to feed them. (Again.) I love when Ivory gets burgers bigger than she is. And the scone fries at Morty's are amazing!

We had just a bit of time, so we walked around Pioneer Park for a minute. The weather was so nice compared to the snow we just left behind. 

We even did the Crack. Actually, it is called the Narrows, I think. It seemed even smaller than last time I went through. But we made it. Phew.

Then back home we went. There was potential for more ice cream, but everyone was asleep as we drove by. (Well, not me obviously.)

Meanwhile, back on the farm, it was Teen Author Boot Camp day. I was sad that I would miss being there, but the parent job is to simply drop off the kids, which is easily accomplished by either parent. Here you can see that Tyler is already a pro at getting rid of the children.

The theme was Heroes and Villains this year. That is such a fun theme. 

The girls went to multiple breakout sessions, learning about writing a fight scene, how to write comedy, building a world, how to fail at writing, modern mythology, and a question/answer session. They saw some famous authors too. Adam Berg did the comedy session, and Pearl sent me a picture of one of my favorite authors, Neal Shusterman.

I think they had a really good time and I'm so happy they got to go together. Also, I think this makes it about 5 years in a row that Ivory has had a conflict. She might never get to go again. :(

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