Saturday, April 22, 2023

March Chatbook 2022

I'm almost keeping up with everything. March from last year is in the books. Only a couple more months of being a year behind and then I will be magically caught up. I's too good to be true. I'll have to think of a way to celebrate, but part of me doesn't want another thing to blog. :p

Not too many pictures to put up from a year ago. But there are still a couple fun ones. One is even quite scandalous. (Don't scroll'll get there.)

We still celebrate pink socks day on March 7th, but sometimes we forget to take a group picture. But Tyler and I always send a foot selfie to acknowledge the day. We miss you Grandpa Barry.

Mr. Trent puts out a fun display of green books to celebrate March. I actually decided this year that I don't like it as much. Too many different genres to sell at once. I like to narrow down the playing field.

Ivory did some dress shopping for Prom. She ended up choosing this same dress but in a different color. 

Tyler got a new toy. It is a little device that measures your oxygen levels. You have probably seen one before at the doctor's office. They put it on your finger for just a minute and it tells you your oxygen level and your heart rate. You should always be at least 95 or above. Sadly, Tyler got sick and he struggled to breathe easily. (That's the whole reason he got the device.) And sure enough, his levels were dropping super low sometimes. If you are below 90, you should probably go to the hospital. Spoiler: He didn't die. Phew. But it did take him a long time to feel like he could breathe normally again.

I don't remember why we put these two together in a room? Oh, yes I do. We anticipated getting a border down in the basement but that didn't happen. But it's cute to see them both sleeping peacefully.

This one too. Although who is putting my good sheets on the dog??

March is when everyone hopes the weather will get nicer. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. (This year, 2023, was a big DOESN'T.) But if there is a nice day, take advantage.

Just One is such a fun game. It is one of my favorites. These clues for Tyler were so funny put together, that we took a picture. Any guesses what the word was?*

I don't understand the ripped jeans craze. But I do appreciate little hearts on your knees.

This picture is funny. Can you see Ivory? I didn't notice her at first and I was wondering where Isaac got that long braid.

Utah has great clouds. I like when they gather around the mountains. It's so picturesque.

It is weird to see a picture with Nova and a balloon where she isn't attacking it. If I had to put her favorite things in order, it would probably be:

Getting into the garbage
Ping pong balls
Tennis balls

Oh, you've made it to the scandalous picture. I'm still unclear what exactly happened. I got this picture from Granny V, who told me she caught these two kissing on the porch. But I don't think Ivory wouldn't notice her Grandmother's vehicle pull up. Also, you can't really tell, but there is a thumb between their lips. It is more of a stage kiss. I'm thinking this was staged for my benefit. (Or maybe Granny V's.) But it does looks rather steamy. (I just asked Ivory. Apparently Daisy took the picture and Ivory and Isaac were being silly. Then Granny V demanded to have it and she sent it to me. It's all coming together.)

This picture is so cool. Robyn drew it of course. It looks like a guy with a group of surgeons around him. But why is he awake??


The chocolate self portrait is really looking good. Almost there.

Not sure why I like this picture so much. But it makes me smile. 

Here's another one of Robyn's art pieces. It involved Kool-Aid and other sticky liquids. It looks so shiny. I think she eventually put plastic over it to preserve it. You certainly don't want to touch.

Sunday selfie. (While mom and dad were gone.)

That's it folks. Pearl is so tiny in that last picture. She sure has grown a lot this last year.

*The word was 'baker'. Robyn was our baker at the time. I think Daisy may have taken her place by now.

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