Saturday, April 22, 2023

Six Weeks Passed So Fast

This week was crazytown. We found four families and taught all of them the Restoration and the Book of Mormon. It felt like the peak of missionary life. Just going from one family to the next, everyone gathering around so we could tell them about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and how they have changed our lives. 

We overscheduled ourselves just a bit. We worked through lunch every day and didn't stop until at least 10 every night. We were almost running between lessons because we had like fifteen planned every day, practically over top of each other, and they were all so important we could not miss them. Every day when 10:30 finally arrived we just dropped into bed with literally nothing left to give. It felt amazing. Also exhausting. On Saturday I just happened to run across that scripture that mentions how it's not expedient for a man to run faster than he has strength... haha maybe not a coincidence. 

Our big push was church. We have had a lot of weeks of really low attendance. A lot of awesome people, but a lot of slow progress. This week we decided we would hold nothing back. We worked insanely hard. Committed everyone so firmly to church. Fasted for it. Sunday rolled around and we had one person there. And three inactive members. Each one of those people was a miracle, but overall it was not the miracle we were looking for. We made a list of all our potentials and it had more than 30 people on it. And I felt good about all of them. Really good about at least 20 of them. But Sunday came and went with only one person at church. 

Strangely enough, Hermana Streadbeck and I got home and we didn't feel dejected. We didn't feel discouraged. We didn't feel satisfied with the result, obviously, but we felt satisfied with our efforts. We knew we had held nothing back. And we both had this peace in our hearts. It was just this feeling that the milagros are in proceso. The efforts we spent this week were not wasted just because we didn't see the fruits on the day we wanted to. The miracle comes after the trial of your faith, as it says. It doesn't say how long after.

The area is waking up. Por fin. Three months of slow, hard progress and finally we have a huge teaching pool full of amazing people.

So ya tu sabes. That means my work here is done and I'm leaving the area. Right when I finally got to the point where I actually love it and I genuinely would have been willing and happy to stay for another transfer to get to see all my friends progress. As all missionaries know, that's the moment when you leave. 

I'm not complaining too much though cuz I'm really pumped about my news. I'm going to go open an area with a new missionary! Opening has kind of been my dream all mission long, and training is the best. This is probably gonna be really hard but I'm really pumped. And the place I'm going is called El Dorado. Which is actually just amazing. Here come Tulio and Miguel (aka Hermana Cazier and mystery compañion) to discover the city of gold on the traaaaail we blaze.

Hasta la próxima! Gotta run and get Bon for the last time with my amazing comp who I truly will miss so much. I know she'll take good care of Los Reyes for me.

Hermana Cazier

Pics! Featuring two exchanges (haha that was crazy to fit into this insane week especially since one involved going to Bonao which is not close) and my first time making guac ever in my life (I think I will make it every week for the rest of my life)

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