Friday, June 9, 2023

Be Thou Humble

We had an amazing week! The Spirit was with us. I was about to write that my favorite thing about missionary life is having the Spirit with you all the time, then I remembered that that's actually just normal life cuz God is GOOD and literally every week re-promises us the constant presence of His Spirit when we take the sacrament! 

Cool miracle this week. I was on an exchange and neither one of us had any Jesus cards to write our number on. We had already run into this problem a couple times during the day. Then we run into this really cool lady named Estefany. She's so interested in the gospel, really wants to meet up with us again. She doesn't have a phone so she's trying to make this crazy plan about how at 5:40 on Saturday we're gonna meet her at this duck restaurant. Then she breaks off and goes, "wait it would be way easier if you just gave me your number and I'll text you from my husband's phone." I really wanted to give her a card cuz paper gets lost so easily so I reached into my bag to desperately search for one. I knew I didn't have any blank ones, but I was pretty sure I had one I had written something on already and I was gonna see if it was maybe salvageable to give her. I pull it out and it says, "Hola Estefany! Esperamos que estés bien!" ("Hey Estefany! We hope you are doing well!") It had her name on it!! I had written it weeks earlier to a different Estefany we were teaching and it had just been chilling in my bag for weeks. I was kinda mind blown in that moment and it was just a cool tender mercy. 

We used the members a lot this week and that felt really good. We were really expecting like ten amazing investigators to come to church and all of them would be golden if they would just COME but instead they're like maybe bronze. It makes me so sad because we have amazing spiritual lessons, in the moment they are like, "yes! I want to come to church!" Then Sunday rolls around, they forget how good the Spirit felt, sleeping or going to the beach sounds better, and they don't come. They give us a weak excuse and we give them another powerful spiritual lesson or two, and then they don't come AGAIN. It's been a brutal cycle. It's rough because I genuinely love these people and I see them soaking in the Spirit in lessons, then it's so hard when they choose to not come to church and their excuse sucks and we're heartbroken because we know how good it is! 

But. God is good. 

I've been thinking a lot about Christlike attributes this week. This song really resonated with me when I read the lyrics:

Be thou humble in thy weakness, and the Lord thy God shall lead thee

Shall lead thee by the hand and give thee answer to thy prayers.

Be thou humble in thy pleading, and the Lord thy God shall bless thee

Shall bless thee with a sweet and calm assurance that he cares.

Be thou humble in thy calling, and the Lord thy God shall teach thee

To serve his children gladly with a pure and gentle love.

Be thou humble in thy longing, and the Lord thy God shall take thee,

Shall take thee home at last to ever dwell with him above.

There was something in every single one of those verses for me and I hope there's something for you too. I love that as we humbly plead, the promise isn't that we will get what we are pleading for. It's that we will get the assurance that He cares. He is aware of us. He has a plan, and if we are humble enough to accept His will, our lives will be better than we can even imagine. Maybe different that we thought. Maybe some things will be harder than we thought. But at the end I have faith that we will look our Father in the eyes and say thank you for the trials. And He will say thank you for being humble enough to accept His will because He prepared great things for us and was hoping so hard to be able to give them to us.

Have a great week! I love you all!

Hermana Cazier

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