Thursday, June 8, 2023

Track Season 2023

(March-May, 2023)

If I was caught up with the blog, I imagine you would have gotten each track meet as they happened, but I almost like doing all of them as one post more. So, hat tip to being behind. 

This was Pearl's first year doing track. Seventh grade is sometimes the most fun, since everyone is just finding out how fast they are or what they are good at. Pearl decided to do long distance, not sprints. And she tried out the long jump as well. 


Much like tennis, they got a few practices and then right into their first track meet. Sometimes the easiest way to learn, is to do. Pearl was so fresh and excited. And nervous. She was signed up for the 800m and the long jump. I wanted her to do the mile, but she said, "Not yet."

We got so much snow this year that it was amazing that most of the track meet days had good weather. It was still cold, but totally doable. One meet was canceled so they only had three meets before Alpine Days. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here are some ways to spot Pearl. 1) Long hair. She puts her hair back in a pony, but it's a LONG ponytail. 2) She is in the picture somewhere. I didn't put a picture on here that doesn't include her, so keep looking if you don't see her at first.

Here are the girls lined up for the 800m. They are learning where to stand and how to start.

It was just me at most of the meets, and I wanted to time Pearl. So I would often take a picture in the middle of the race instead of at the end because I was usually hitting the stop watch at the end. So this is Pearl coming around the first lap.

She did awesome. She got a 3:10 for her first try. That is pretty fast. 

She also did the long jump and got just over 10 feet. 

I've complained in the past that they are terrible about getting out results, but this year there was a website that was updated now and then and I was able to find official results for Pearl.


The second track meet was an away track meet. I told Pearl she should run the mile, but she didn't want to yet. That's fine. Pearl has such fun friends in track. She met lots of new people and some are close friends now. 

Here you can see her getting ready for the 800m. Can you see her long hair in the line? She learned that maybe she should get closer to the front if possible. 

I think Pearl came in 10th place, which is fitting since she also dropped 10 seconds off her time. Although the official time came back even faster for her. Just under 3 minutes. Nice job Pod.

And of course some more pictures with friends.


Well, track meet 3 was actually canceled, like I said, because of snow. This track meet was finally not too cold. It wasn't hot, but the sun was present. I actually came outside just a little late and guess what?? There was Pearl...running the mile. Little stinker. I mean, I was glad she was running it since I knew she'd be awesome, but I didn't get to time her. She did an amazing job. I think we checked times later and she ran it in 6:34. Pearl passed people on each lap. In fact, our principal, Mr. Elison, told Pearl she could catch a girl that wasn't too far away and Pearl chased her down. 

She also ran the 800m as usual, but just a little slower, which isn't surprising since she just ran the mile.

 She also made the school instagram post. Can you find her?

Alpine days was coming up and I actually had no idea if Pearl would be running. She usually finished around 4th for our 7th grade girls in the 800m and she only ran the mile once. There are rules about how they choose people, but I don't know how hard and fast they are. Pearl did say that they did a mini track meet with just our school (to make up for the one they missed) and they had the 7th grade girls run the 400m to see who could make up a 4x400 relay team. 

So I was pleasantly surprised to see that Pearl made 3 events for Alpine Days. That's awesome for her first year.


Naturally, Alpine days was super hot. None of the kids were used to running in heat since...Utah. Lots of people got sunburned and were struggling with heat fatigue, but it was an awesome two days of track and field.

Beau and Analena came on both days to watch Pearl run! So cool. 

Pearl ran the mile on day one. Look for the blue shorts. That is how I always picked her out. Here she is waiting in her group. There were two groups that ran the mile. Pearl was in the faster group. That is always daunting, but it makes people run faster. You have to remember that this is only the second time Pearl is running the mile. 

They had one false start, but the second took. Pearl stayed between two large groups for most of the race. At the end, there was quite a hoard of girls smashed together. But she did amazing!! Of course, she got a PR of 6:14. I'll save you some time looking back through the blog, but all the girls were right around there. June's time in 7th grade was 6:13. Ivory ran a personal best of 6:15 in 9th grade. All right there together. 

We celebrated with shaved ice. 

Pearl got 12th overall, which is fantastic!

Day 2, Pearl was running the 800m. There were so many girls and it was a crush the whole time. One of Pearl's friends fell on the second lap and still got up to get 9th. She's a great runner. I was so proud of Pearl's time. She got a PR with a time of 2:52.

And now for the surprise event. The 4x400. During the mini track meet, Pearl got one of the fastest times for the 400m, so they put her on the relay team, with three other girls, who also had NEVER run the event. They had NEVER passed the baton before, so they were a little apprehensive about the whole thing. The girls chose which spots they wanted and Pearl was going to run first. But when they went down for the event, the coach changed it all up. He told Pearl she was running last. She and third-leg girl had the fastest times for the group. 

There were six teams and as you can see from where Pearl was standing, that her team started a little slow and was in fifth place. They line the girls up in order, to receive the batons.

Pearl's teammate made up a lot of ground and was almost able to pass the girl in front of her, but she didn't know if she could. Everyone was lined up, so she figured she had to stay in that order. So they came in pretty close together. Here you can see Pearl getting the baton. 

And the two girls took off.

But Pearl passed the other girl on the first turn. Can you see her? She passed her on the inside too. It was epic.

And then she never let the girl catch up. You can barely see the two on the other side of the track. Go blue shorts!

She finished strong and their team came in fourth. Sadly, I have no other stats. I never learned their team time or where they finished overall. I only have Pearl's individual 400m time of 1:14. Good job chica.

I would say with resounding assurity that Pearl had a great first year of track. I hope she runs again next year but we'll see what happens. But she will always have these great memories.

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