Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Three Falls

(June 1st, 2023)

Three Falls is a super fun hike. This time of year brings lots of pretty wildflowers. We've had a lot more moisture this year as well, so I'm sure that helps. I went and hiked this trail at the end of school with some of the faculty. It was so nice that I wanted to share the adventure with the girls. So it was our first hike of the summer.

But I should warn you up front. There is only one waterfall, not three. 

It was a really great day for hiking. It started sunny, but was overcast for most of the hike, so it wasn't too hot. Here we are ready to go. It's nice because Beau came and Daisy was around too. We missed both of them on many of our hikes last year.

The flowers were so pretty and there were lots of butterflies. Pearl tried to catch one the whole time. I caught this one in a picture. (You can't really say on film anymore...)

Look how gorgeous the mountains are. This was such a lovely day.

We brought the water backpack and took turns carrying it. 

It was a good thing we had water. There wasn't much shade and some people are more prone to dehydration.

Selfie on the way.

The hike is kind of funny. The loop we did ends on a road. The road goes back down to the parking lot. In order to see the waterfall, you cross the road and hike up the other side. Meaning, you could just drive up the road and hike the 100 yards to see the waterfall. But where is the fun in that?? We hiked over and got a picture with one of the falls behind us.

Sadly, you can't really get to the water. We hiked up and around the corner but the trail seemed to be going away from the falls, so we gave up. But not before Pearl found a snake. He was such a cutie, climbing in a tree. I just missed his head in the second picture. He turned at the wrong moment.

We also tried climbing down, but the trail was steep and still didn't get us to the water. We were all tired by then, so I took a couple more photos and we called it a day.

It was so fun to hike with my tough girls. They all be mighty.

We could hear another falls on the way back down the road, but according to a sign, it was private property. Logan told me on the faculty hike that it was a view only for the local residents. That seems a little unfair, but it wasn't the day to break the law. Don't worry...another day.

We celebrated with Purple Turtle. When you walk that far, you need to replenish the calories. ;p

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