Monday, June 5, 2023

Tricky SFX

(April 5th, 2023)

 We always love when Ivory does her FX for us or on us. But this last Spring Break, Ives decided to mix it up. She calls it her tricky SFX. It is when she has someone do the effects on her and she gives them instructions as they go. 

I was slated to try this out, but I was busy so she started with Pearl. Pearl did such a good job that we called it good for the week. Let's check out her mad skills, being guided by Ivory along the way.

There are always a lot of options of things to try. Pearl opted for a stitched over eye. She started by gluing a cotton circle over Ivory's eye.

Next she covered it with putty and smoothed it out. 

Now the tricky part. Pearl very carefully stitched thread into the eye area. I bet this was nerve-racking for Ivory. I would be super worried about a needle going into my eye. But Ivory took it in stride. And Pearl was a boss and didn't even come close to blinding her.

Now to add some color. I got a close up at this point. Very creepy.

But it wasn't enough. Pearl needed to add more blood. 

The result is rather gory. Can you see the needle is still in there? It's a little hard to pick out with all the ichor.

I think it was a bonding experience. These two sisters are sweet.

What you don't see is that Ivory wore that makeup and went grocery shopping with me. We got some weird looks, plenty of stares, and a few compliments. I'm sure it was a little disorienting for Ives. After all, she could only see out of one eye.

So when she came home, off came the makeup. Looks like the patch came off nicely.

The clean up is always faster than the application. Although along the way, you may look like you enjoyed a plate of spaghetti more than you should. :)

Overall, it was a really diverting fun activity for spring break. Thanks for the tricky SFX Ives.

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