Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Copenhagen, Denmark

(April 16th-27th, 2023)

At the rate that Beau is going, she is going to be more of a world traveler than I in short order. She went to Ghana last summer and this Spring, she had the opportunity to go to Denmark! Crazy. I'm learning the hard way that people REALLY don't like to do blog posts about their trips. They would rather have no memories on here than do it themselves. So, even though the Ghana post is half finished and may never make it to cyberspace, I'm going to give you the super condensed version of this trip to Copenhagen. I need to have something to mark the space.

It helps that I have access to the two thousand photos she took on her trip. There were so many photos taken, which makes sense since it was an art trip. Ironically, Beau stopped going to art school in January. She got her CNA license and got a job working at a Rehabilitation Center. But the opportunity to go with the students to Copenhagen in April was too much to resist. (I don't blame her. How often do opportunities like that come along?) So she went for the experience (and the art) and she had a fantastic time. 

Back to the many photos. I don't think kids nowadays realize how awesome they have it. I remember taking my film camera on a school trip and knowing I could take 24 pictures, or maybe 48 if I brought two rolls of film. I wouldn't know until later if the photos were any good and then I was stuck with what I had. Now, you can take a million photos, as long as you have space on your phone. Then pick your favorite ones. It is so magical. They just don't realize...

The blog books, however, cannot take that many photos. I've learned that the hard way. So I just chose some of my favorites. They probably aren't Beau's favorites, but oh well. So here is a little slice of the trip to Denmark:

Beau was obsessed with the pigeons. She named them all Frank. She has lots of pictures of them. 

I love this picture so much. Doesn't Beau look so suave and European?

The obsession tipped the scales of sanity and Beau got a tattoo of none other than Frank. That is commitment. She even left him little snacks on the windowsill. At least I think that is what those fries are.

After almost two weeks of travel, it was time to come home. She sent me this picture and said, It doesn't fit. No kidding. But don't worry. She is the queen of Tetris and she got everything in there. Impressive.

Sadly, Beau was traveling on her birthday. What a fun way to spend the day. Tyler picked her up at 2 or so in the morning. What a hero. 

I love how thoughtful Beau is. She brought something for everyone in the family. She spent time thinking what everyone would like best. That is very nice, and a very grown-up thing to do. We had a great time opening things and listening to her stories. 

Should be noted that she did NOT show us the tattoo. I found out about that later. She showed Pearl first and even recorded her reaction. :)

Naturally, we celebrated Beau's birthday later on. So that's another post, but hopefully this gave you a glimpse of the great adventures she's been having. 

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