Monday, June 19, 2023

Lover's Lane and the Best Sundaes of the Summer

(June 12-16th, 2023)

This third week of summer was a busy one. Room changing finished up. It is such a crazy process, but I'm so happy with the finished results and I think the girls are too. First up is the Neapolitan room, named as such because of the pink, white, and grey walls. Daisy was leaving this area. Before exiting, she had found a new way to cover the space as much as possible. Apparently, you just move your mattress to the floor and you can mess twice as fast. 

Pearl moved into the space and it doesn't even look like the same room. And she got a fun collage on her wall too.

Ivory was down in Atlantis and struggling to keep her space in order. I'm not lying when I say this was a tidy day for her.

Daisy moved downstairs and it is pristine. She has some great goals to make her bed each day. It really makes a difference.

Pearl left the green room. She was actually quite unhappy to be leaving the green. It is her favorite color and I've heard many grumblings about the color pink. :)

Ivory found a place for her bed that has never been tried before. I actually like it and it's really easy to wake her up. You open the door, reach out an arm and she's right there.

As usual, we got rid of lots of stuff. The purge is my favorite part. It is so great to declutter and find things that need a new home. We had a pile to be taken away. (The high chair is not ours. I promise I didn't hold onto something that long.)

I haven't mentioned movies, but we've been watching a lot of them. We have some that are scheduled, like Cool Runnings. It's been decades since I've seen that. But we also throw some in that are just because. Like the Jurassic World movies. Everyone loves Blue.  

Our treat for the week was Lemon Cream Cheese bars. They were okay. Too much cream cheese, not enough lemon in my opinion. But definitely edible.

Thursday, Ivory and Daisy left for Youth Conference. They had a fantastic time up at Camp Williams running all the military simulations. They have great stories and no pictures. So just imagine them having an awesome experience. 

Meanwhile, the rest of us got to go to Tyler's annual summer work party. It is one of my summer highlights. Sadly, the golfing was just for employees this year. So we didn't get to use our mad skillz on the course. Really a shame. But there was still the BBQ. I'm glad Analena and Beau came because it would have been so lonely with only three of us. 

Still love the salad and steak. Dad even cut up my meat since I'm so bad with a plastic knife. 

And the sundaes are so amazing. I'm going to try and duplicate the experience for the fourth of July. I'm going to do strawberries and brownies, cool whip and chocolate sauce. So delicious!

We still went over to sit on the bridge. The stream looked smaller, but really the weeds are encroaching. No one is trimming them back.

We also played a little cornhole. I like watching the girls throw. It seems easier to throw when you lift a leg.

Thursday was damp, so Pearl and I did a hike on Friday. We tried a cute trail named Lover's Lane. We couldn't find the trailhead right away. We took a picture on the road since we had to start somewhere.

But we found it further down the road. It was a cute trail that ran behind the neighborhood houses. Often it was bordered by backyard fences. 

At one point, it spits you out into a cul-de-sac. I knew that wasn't the end, but it was a little tricky finding the trail. You literally have to walk up someone's driveway. Can you see Pearl up there? That is where the trail continues. It felt like trespassing, but I think it must be a common sight for those residents to see people traipsing down their driveway.

I think it's called Lover's Lane since it is a cozy little trail with plenty of shade. Oddly, we only saw single people out on the trail and not many of those. But we did find these two little love birds strolling together.

Cute Pearl. I'm glad she came hiking with me.

On the second half of the trail, we saw quite a few little fairy and gnome homes. That's so fun that people put those up.

It's just an out and back trail. We reached the end and turned around to go back. 

Pearl found her own lover on the way back. She is stalking this chicken much like a raptor. Too many Jurassic Park movies for her.

I think it was because of the rain the day before, but there were dozens of snails on the trail. Some were already crushed, but if we saw them ambling across, we moved them to a safer space. This guy became king of his own castle candy shop.

It's tradition to take a mighty picture now. So Pearl and I made sure to get one. Since Ivory has been making us do chin-ups, we both have some defined muscle. 

Find the large bumble in this picture. I love fat bees.

It was a super fun, cute hike. I highly recommend. Then we grabbed some Rockwell Ice Cream. Since we were close enough, it was a good excuse. 

Another great week in the books. Oh, and the girls came home from Youth Conference just fine. They were tired and a little dusty but happy and tougher. 

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