Wednesday, July 19, 2023

KJ and Audrey Get Hitched

(July 15th, 2023)

It really hasn't been that long since there was a Cazier wedding. I was honestly surprised when I heard KJ was engaged relatively shortly after Kaysen got married. When you find the one, I guess it is time. I'm just a little sad that their time happened to be on the same day as everything else. Look at my calendar countdown. 

In our last post, we picked the girls up from camp. Did you notice cute Daisy sporting a lovely tiara? Well, that folks, is the birthday tiara. I'm trying to drum up a new tradition where you wear the tiara on your birthday. We'll see how it goes. But Daisy was very patient and went along with it. She was rocking it. She only took it off for group pictures. She even wore it while sleeping on the way up to the wedding. (Girls camp does this to everyone.)

We arrived in Logan and had time to grab some lunch before heading over to the temple. Fries are a must sometimes.

Only Tyler and I were able to go to the ceremony inside the temple. It was very nice. The only weird thing was that the sealer kept calling KJ, Kolby. That is his name, but no one calls him that, so it seemed very odd. Especially with the real Kolby sitting just a few seats away. It felt like he was addressing the wrong person. 

We all waited patiently outside the temple after the sealing, but it gave me time to take some fun pictures. Love my kiddos! I was so sad June couldn't be there. She'll probably be at the next wedding. ;)

Love this bunch. Sorry Kaysen and Ellen. Make way for the new newly weds.

KJ and Audrey did the same leather/foam flowers. They are pretty and non-perishable. Seriously, such a great idea.

It was really fun to see family. We don't see them nearly enough. 

Things must run in the genes. Do all Cazier's carry a knife?

Or at least a pair of pliers?

Finally, the happy couple came out of the temple. These two are beyond cute. Dip and a kiss. 

It was hard to get pictures of them alone. Everyone was right there to put on flowers and straighten them up.

And they still had a first hand audience for the smooches.

I love Audrey's dress. Someone told me her mother made it for her. STOP IT MOTHERS! You're making me look bad. I'm not going to sew any wedding dresses for my girls. (Pearl was trying to convince me the other day and I assured her that she would be MUCH happier if I don't make it.)

Then there was lots of pictures taking. We had to wait our turn since we aren't immediate family. So I got a couple other shots.

I love these sweet brothers. And look, Audrey already has something in common with June. Closed eyes!

Got to get the muscle shot with the men! And this other one where they hold the groom. That seems to be a tradition also.

Then we had more time to kill, so we tried to recreate a photo from the past. See, Jami and JR were married in the same temple, almost 10 years ago. Here is our family, 10 years ago.

Now, in front of the same wall. 

Obviously, we are missing one, so we used a substitution. You can hardly tell a difference. :)

Naturally we were the problem children during group photos. It is hard for us to focus for too long. What a great group!

From there, we headed over to the dinner and reception. Both were at Audrey's sisters' house. Her name is Mandy and she has a beautiful huge backyard and a large ginormous garage/shed that was empty and used for tables and food. It was actually brilliant and probably saved them lots of money. We had a wonderful dinner, chatted with family, laughed a lot and watched the flight schedule like a hawk. Originally, we weren't going to be able to attend the reception since June's flight was arriving at 7:30. But there was many delays and we watched the time get pushed back...and back. So far back that we had more than enough time. We were able to enjoy our time with family and celebrate the happy couple.

KJ and Audrey met at school. They are both runners and amazing runners at that. Audrey just won nationals in the Steeple Chase after only running the race twice. She thought it would be fun to try it out. KJ jokes that he is marrying Audrey for her genes and he's going to have the fastest children around. He's only partly joking, but Audrey has plenty of other great qualities. It looks like KJ found a steal. 

It was finally time to say goodbye. Not for long though. We plan to all meet up at Lagoon next week. 

But we had a missionary to pick up. So we piled in the car, in our nice clothes, with our signs ready, and we headed south again, determined to reunite our family.

(to be continued...)

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