Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Calm Before the Storm

(July 9th - 15th, 2023)

The biggest day of the year (so far) was definitely the 15th. It was Daisy's golden birthday. It was the day the girls got back from camp. It was the day KJ got married. It was the day June came home from her mission. Just a few things going on. I'm still deciding in what order to blog everything. But today, you get the week before. It is the calm before the storm. And actually, it was quite calm in many ways since we sent three girls to camp, and mom and dad had the house to themselves. Epic. I could do this more often. But not for long. I miss the girls. I already dread empty nesting.

The Sunday before camp, the girls got out the henna again. Daisy had requested some epic wings. Ivory got an entire sleeve since she figured it was the only time she had a week off from work. (They don't allow things like henna or tattoos that are visible.) Even Dad got a special Henna present from Beau. 

On Monday, it was the last call with June. Crazy. Anyone else feel like those 18 months flew by?

The girls didn't leave until Tuesday. We packed them up and handed them over to other people to drag them into the wilderness and keep them there for at least a few days. Whoever thought of this was genius.

Meanwhile, back on the farm, things were quiet. Beau went to town on her hair again. I believe she said Wednesday night is usually when they get bored and experiment. She already shaved the top sides, but this time, she went further and shaved the whole sides. It actually looks really good on her. How does she pull that off?

Dad spent more time on the condo with Greg. They built stuff, fixed things, and I think it is close to up and running. a lot. And relaxed. (I was still having back sadness.) The dog also pulled her ACL again? and she has been limping around. It was so sad. We spent the time relaxing and hanging out. If you leave a pillow on the ground, it is fun to watch Nova use it. (As well as my feet.)

Saturday showed up rapidly. Yep, that day of insanity. KJ's wedding and June coming home get a post of their own, but we'll pick up the kids in this post at least. We drove up to get them since we needed to give them time to shower before leaving for the wedding. They seemed very happy, if a little dirty.

We got to hear of their adventures and see the campsite. Shalom was canceled so they went to Scofield. It was true camping with tents and dirt. There was a lake nearby so they still got to swim. I think they had an amazing time. They told us about their secret sisters. Annie had Pearl and gave her goldfish, of the live variety. The Lord intervened and they luckily sadly passed away before the weekend. We visited the gravesite and I smiled a little. (Yes, my soul is dark and void of pets.)

It was quite lovely up there. It reminded me of Sting's song, Fields of Gold

We took off and headed for home, so we could experience the rest of the crazy day. (To be blogged about later.) But here is one more special picture for you. Ivory got quite the sunburn at camp. She looked like a Neapolitan treat. Chocolate arms, Vanilla chest, and Strawberry neck. It looks like she is trying to be three different races at once. Way to embrace your heritage.

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