Monday, August 28, 2023

Back to School for the Majority

(Assorted days in August)

August is almost over and most people are back at school. I was the first one back, considering my job, but Daisy was the day after me since she did 10th grade day. Pearl and Ivory followed closely behind. June is not scheduled to start at BYU until the 5th of September. (Lucky duck) And Beau...well, she is taking a year off, but not really intentionally. The program she is looking into opens registration in October...for the following Fall. So Beau has a bit of free time to work and save money. Huzzah!

But everyone likes to take a picture and fill out the favorites. So here you get the group. Nice to have them all back. We'll go youngest to oldest again. 

Pearl is loving Junior High. She does lots of sports and has made tons of friends. She is outgoing and bubbly and a joy to be around.

Daisy is in High School. That one blows my mind. She tells me it is loads better than Junior High. I'll take her word for it. The question is...will the braces come off this school year?

Ivory is ruling the school as a Senior. She has a great schedule, loves her classes, has extra time for her friends (since she didn't overload her schedule) and I think it will be a great year for her.

Beau is living in an apartment with lots of roommates. She barely moved, so who knows if they are keepers? She might go to school and take some night classes this year, but employment is top of the list right now. Know anyone who is hiring?

June starts BYU in just a few short days. She too will live away from home. We'll miss her, but we are used to seeing her less. She is super excited for her classes and working at the MTC. You can see her official tag is on. From one tag to the next. 

Crazy how time flies and we wrap around to the next year so quickly. I love each of these kiddos so much. They are all great people and I'm so proud of each one of them.

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