Monday, September 4, 2023

July Chatbook 2023

So much cool stuff is happening, I just want to jump ahead but that would confuse me and my three readers. Instead, we'll go back just a tad when Summer was swinging and life was more carefree. (Seriously, school is such a drag sometimes. Don't tell my kids I said that.)

There was some babysitting happening this summer. Pearl got to watch her cousins a few times. Grand and Hen are super fun. Pearl had a blast getting to spend extra time with them. Oh, and don't forget Ruby. She might be Pearl's favorite.

Daisy ended up watching a mini. A lady in the neighborhood needed someone for a couple weeks while her nanny was on vacation. So Daisy picked up two weeks of watching Baby B. She was the sweetest little nugget. We all took turns holding her and making her smile. (I am not the devil. Daisy just sees me that way.)

Let's get our Nova picks out of the way. She is always underfoot, or on-foot in some cases. She is a great snuggle buddy and despite the fact that she is so annoying and I want to beat her every time someone comes to the door, everyone loves her. It shows that people can love you regardless of your imperfections.

Here's this cutie. She missed our Sunday Selfie, but she got one of herself. 

Sunday Selfie!

Camille invited us over to swim one evening. It was so nice. They have a great pool and it was very relaxing.

Ivory went on a adventure. Isaac was always complaining about how the seatbelt didn't work on the passenger side, so Ivory decided to fix it. She went with Tyler to a Pick-a-Part and then did the exchange herself. What a little pro. And yes, Isaac was very happy with the working seatbelt.

I'm really digging this selfie with these girls making a very similar weird face.

Ivory and the padres did a walking challenge. We did one of the Conqueror challenges online. We picked the Great Barrier Reef. Do you remember when I did the Lord of the Rings challenge? Well, in this case, it was a competition against each other. Ivory said she could walk more than me. I didn't doubt it. Then she said she could walk more than me and Dad combined. Okay, now it's on. We actually slaughtered her. I tried to hold back and let her catch up, but I finally ended it and got my medal in the mail. And then sometime did Ivory. They are pretty medals and what matters in the end is that we all walked more than usual. Go us.

Styling on the mountain.

Oh, this was when June was about to get back and Beau made the Mac and Cheese sign. That bowl is full of raw noodles, food coloring and glue. But it legit looks like Mac and Cheese.

Sunday Selfie!! This might be the last one for a bit. We totally forgot to take them after June got back. Struggle.

Recall that Ivory is the bug whisperer, although Pearl is not far behind. We have officially named all grasshoppers Stewart. It's a thing that Beau started. All pigeons are named Frank, all snails—Jeremy. So I named the grasshoppers, Stewart. Cuties.

Check Ivory going from braids to epic fluffy waves.

I love this sky picture, but more than usual because of the feet.

Oh...June's back. Which means more Spikeball again. She is still freakishly good. Her serves are epically low. It's so fun to play with her.

 Looks like Daisy got ahold of Dad. He looks good in pink.

Park pals. This is what people do while we play Spikeball.

Beau painted this goose, for Analena I'm presuming. Isn't he awesome?

Another skater pic. Beau is getting better all the time.

June did these stellar heart braids on Ivory. They looks so difficult.

June has been really good about getting to the temple since she came back. I think she appreciates having so many temples around.

Maylee was an Oregon companion. It was really fun that she stopped by. And she kicked our trash at a new game we were playing called, Half Truth. Nice job Maylee. 

Hahaha. These next pics I took while walking around Wal-Mart. Why do they compare hair products to food? It seems less appetizing to put food on my head. Milk, pudding, mayonaise?? Gross.

Daisy and I went to the next play at the Angelus Theater. This one was The Lady of Sherwood. It was actually pretty good. The acting wasn't bad and the songs were original and catchy. I really liked it. Daisy, of course, is a little obsessed with all things Robin Hood, so she loved it. She was the perfect person to take.

Danja got married back in March? But she had her Utah reception in July. She looks so happy and it was great to all go and celebrate her. 

The girls still like to have their faces traced at church. Adding extra jewelry is a mom thing.

 Pearl knocked out another puzzle. They just come and go on the table. She is such a puzzling pro.

June and I took a break and got our toes done for the cruise. I think June hasn't had pretty toes for a long time. Basically, she hasn't been able to wear sandals for a year and a half, so I'm glad she can show off her cute pigs.

Last made it. This is what I call Golden Arches. 

I'll try to start catching up. It's so hard once school is in and the kids are going a million directions. I'm so blessed with a busy, happy life. 

1 comment:

  1. I felt ashamed when I discovered that my cousin Ginger regularly reads your blogs and keeps up with the family while I don't. So I'm trying to get into the habit again. Lots of fun stuff in this!
