Thursday, August 17, 2023

Mission Report

(July 23rd, 2023)

Name that song:

Creature report, creature report, creature report. 
She's done with her mission. Family at ease until the next adventure.

It is tradition for missionaries to speak in church after they return from their mission. Usually people are invited to come hear and maybe share a snack or two at their house afterward. We did a version of that, having family over before church for lunch and friends over after for treats.

We actually had a loaves and fishes moment. Tyler and I didn't communicate very well. I had all the treats ready for after church and he asked what we were making for lunch for the family. Oops. I didn't realize they were coming over to eat before. Tyler pulled me aside and said that we needed to go to the store to get stuff. I tutted and said, "We can't shop on Sunday. We'll make do with what we have." Then we delved into the fridge and found enough fixins to make quesadillas. It worked out great and it was nice to have that time with family. 

It's a pretty good looking group.

Also something missionaries do that I wasn't aware of, is to report in front of the High Council at 6:30 in the morning. June was joined by the the twins who just got back as well. I may have been absent from this meeting. Parents are invited but I need my beauty sleep. These kiddos look great though.

After church it was so fun to see lots of familiar faces as friends came by to say hi to June. Weirdly, we only took pictures of our dog. Can you believe how big Bastion is?

The same evening, we went to see the Moving Old Testament Tabernacle. The younger girls were volunteering to help out. They stood in certain sections and read information off cards about what happened in the tabernacle. It was very informative and pretty cool. (Well, it was actually really hot outside, but you know what I mean.) We took some selfies at the tabernacle backdrop. 

It was a great day, seeing family and listening to June's report. Her talk was really great and it was fun to hear about some of her mission. Lucky for us, we'll get to hear many stories for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Both Grampa and I listened to her talk, and it was amazing. Now I can brag about having a granddaughter who served a mission.
