Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Chalk the Block 2023

(August 25-26th, 2023)

Chalk the block is one of my favorite things to attend. One of these years I'm going to get the girls signed up.

This year, I got to go twice. Beth and I took a nice stroll on Friday and it was actually cool to see a lot of the pieces in progress. We saw people painting the asphalt, which apparently washes off later but makes it easier for the artist to put the chalk on, and gives it a move vivid color. We also saw people with legs and arms covered in chalk. Hazard of the trade of course.

It is pretty amazing to see a piece of art reach its conclusion.

I clearly can't put all of the pictures I took on here. Well, I could, but I'm already worried about blog book size because of the cruise, so you just get some of our favorites. The second day, most of the rest of the family got to go see the art too. It was such a lovely night and the sunset was gorgeous.

Daisy and Pearl both found a matchy drawing. 

The world is full of really talented people.

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