Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Out for a Walk

(August 1st, 2023)

I love Summer months. They are the best for random walks in the evening. The sun lasts forever, so you can go later when it has cooled down, but it is still light outside. June and Pearl joined me on a walk one evening. They've been doing construction in a nearby neighborhood and there are all these huge pipes out on the side of the road, waiting to be put somewhere. This particular evening, there were what looked like, huge cement pipes. They were so big, we could climb and sit inside. I know they aren't pipes because cement is not the right material, but I don't know how they use them. But it seemed right for a couple photos.

Later, weeks later, Pearl and I came across more long black pipes, piled five rows high on the side of the street. We had so much fun going to either side and seeing if we could find the face of the other person peering down the pipe. Life can be such fun in simple ways.

Back to that August night, after playing in the pipes, we came back and inked our cruise shirts. They turned out so cute. Beau did the design. You already know we had a blast on the cruise. Glad those posts are done. :)

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