Friday, November 3, 2023

Fete Day 2023

(August 27th, 2023)

This is possibly the latest we have done Fete day, but it wasn't for lack of trying. I had a whole thing planned with a scavenger hunt and three teams and then Tyler and Robyn got Covid. Well, didn't that just put the biggest kink in our plans. So, we scrapped all that and had Fete day a week late, on a Sunday afternoon, after church, when we were all free for a hot second. 

It was a total blast though. We invited the Turner's to join us. We all love their family so much. Daisy decorated our window and it looked super cute.

Since it was Sunday, I dressed in yellow twice! Gotta wear the Fete Day color. It's mandatory.

Plan B involved a game of Water Balloon Battleship. There are many ways you can play this, but we opted for our own unique version that was really fun. First off, our teams. Team one: Analena, Ivory, Beau, Tyler, Caroline, and Andrew.

Team Two: Pearl, June, Olivia, Jason, Annie, and Daisy. 

We chose some throwers. These people had to be blindfolded and they stood at the corners to chuck balloons at the opposing team. (Anyone else think Jason looks like a pirate?)

We roped off an area and each team spread out on the grass, becoming the battle ships.

The rule was that you had to lay down and not move. Teams were allowed to aim their cannons, meaning they could tell the throwers to turn right or left and about how far to throw. Even with precise instructions, it didn't always work.

The first game we played, splashes counted as a hit. Daisy never was hit with a balloon, but she was sunk quickly.

Here is Tyler receiving instructions about where to throw.

The second game, you had to actually hit the target. Lots of people got wet with no sunk ships. There were lots of laughs and some great throws.

I was running the balloon distribution. Someone had to hand out water balloons. When we finished playing, we used up the rest of the balloons in a mini water balloon battle. And then we picked up all the pieces, took some group shots and went home. :)

I made ice cream cake as usual. Besides that one cheesecake year, we've been very consistent.

Then time to eat cake and exchange gifts. Everyone looked great in their yellow. We all got some great gifts. 

It was a really fun Fete day, even with the last minute changes. This is a happy tradition that we love to share with others. Until next year...

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