Thursday, October 19, 2023

Mexico Cruising - Sea Day Numero Dos

(Monday, August 7th, 2023)

Let's pause for a moment and have confession time. When school started, I fell off the wagon hard. It is a good thing that the only thing that bruised was my ego. My good intentions to get posts on here in a timely order and stay caught up have become a mirage in the distance. It's not good, to say the least. As usual, I have made myself some goals and threats and I'm working to find my groove. But my memory being what it is, these posts will no longer have the freshness they might have had back in September. I'm going to have to rely on that old adage that a picture says a thousand words. Less from me and more from the camera. We're going with that. Good thing we took a lot of pictures and they are awesome. In no way will you be disappointed. (Well, you can be disappointed with me...not the blog.) That said, let's jump into another day at sea.

Our second day at sea started sunny from the getgo, so most of us put on suits and played in the water. The tube slide was super fun. I like how windy it gets at the top. Do you think they've ever lost a tube from up there?

One of the things about a cruise is the food. It's one of the main things to be fair. The food is pretty good and you can get it almost any time. So we spent a lot of time up on Lido, hanging out, and eating. Yum. Ivory had to try a burger because I love taking pictures of things that don't fit in her small mouth. (Oh, the other girls went to try out the pasta place. That is why it is mostly Ivory.)

The day was gorgeous and the ocean was such a lovely color of blue. And we're on a cruise!!

We spent some time in the pool in the afternoon and got some awesome photos. One of my favorite photos of the cruise is the one where Ivory has her head tipped back and she is laughing. The music playing at the time was California Girls by Katie Perry. There is a spoof version that BYU Divine Comedy made. Apparently that is the only version June has ever heard. She was so surprised they were playing a song about Provo on the cruise. :) I happened to be taking photos just as Ivory figured out June's ignorance. Classic.

As the sun started to dip, it was lovely outside. Selfies were a must. Selfies mean you want to remember this moment. I wholly approve.

We went to one of the comedy shows. We hit a few during the cruise. I'm not sure any were amazing. Tyler watched one without us and he said that one was the best. Figures. I like this shot of the club. Not the angle I would use, but it feels very space themed.

We had late dinner so sometimes we had to wait a bit before we could go. But I like that because it gives me time to digest before I eat again.

Dinner was great. I finally was on the other side of the table and made it into photos. :) The rare find of the evening was Escargot. I personally think snails aren't too bad. Most of the girls agreed, but poor Beau couldn't get over the fact it was a snail. Poor Jeremy!

There was salsa dancing in the evening. Ivory and Daisy decided to skip. I think Daisy was feeling a little seasick at that point. I may have snuck off to read more of my book. ;) So Tyler took the other three to go party. I think they all had a great time. Salsa music is so enlivening and you can't beat that vibrant carpet that looks like a fire!

We can't forget our little towel friends. We got the seductive bunny. Not sure what the pose is for. And the other room got a ram? Not sure what he is, besides adorable!

So much fun at sea, but tomorrow we port and are going to check out Puerto Vallarta.

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