Thursday, October 19, 2023

Mexico Cruising - Sea Day Numero Uno

(Sunday, August 6th, 2023)

Sunday dawned bright and beautiful. And we were on a cruise, so things were already looking up. We usually had breakfast in the dining room, but not always. We tried out the Family Harbor one morning and some people hit up the buffet. I prefer the dining room, but that is just me.

We’ve learned from experience that it is good to decorate your door for two reasons. 1) It is fun. Be creative and find something that makes you smile when you see it. 2) It is really nice to be able to identify your door without having to look at all the numbers. When you walk down the long hallways, all the doors look similar. It’s nice to have something to identify your abode. Our group had fun choosing something for our door. 

The other cabin likewise made something super cute. Although I don’t look down enough. I think I would still miss my door…

This was our first full day on the cruise and that meant the towel animals started. We all look forward to the towel animals and because we were in different areas of the ship, we got different stuff. Our cabin got a rabbit/dog animal. I always think bunny, but later, when we learned how to fold some animals, they said dog. So who knows?

The other room got a bear? With no eyes? A blind bear? A blind bear doing yoga? 

A day at sea means reading and napping for me. Sure, we do lots of other things as well, but it isn’t a complete day without some relaxing and reading. I brought The 7 ½ deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. It was a great read. I’d listened to it before, but it was better to read it. So much less confusing for me.

Daisy wasn’t the only one who appreciated that soft serve was available 24/7. 

The day was a little overcast for part of the morning, but then the sun surprised us and everyone got hot quickly. In fact, a couple people got rosy cheeks from the short amount of time lounging in the sun. 

For lunch, Ivory and I tried out the pasta place. We thought it was a buffet, but suddenly we were sitting down for a meal. But it was tasty enough that we went back for lunch a second time later on the cruise.

In the afternoon, I got us some seats so we could watch the Super Mario Movie in the afternoon. I wanted some shade. We were there for a bit, so we got to watch part of the ice sculpting. Honestly, that is such a cool skill. But like sidewalk chalk and the etch-a-sketch, it is temporary. Love it while it is there. It was super cool though. The guy started with a big block of ice and about 20 minutes later, he had a sculpture of an eagle. 

Here are Ivory and I saving seats. 

I left for a minute to go take pictures at the sky-bike. Everyone in line was yelling, “Hey Mom, Mom!” to get my attention and then even the guy next to our group yelled, “Hey Mom!” It was pretty funny. We took pictures of him and then of the family. We actually saw him around the ship quite a bit. He would forget who we were, but if we said, “Hey Mom!” he would immediately remember us.

Ivory ditched me eventually too to go do the ropes course with her sisters. Ironically, when the Super Mario Movie started, I was the only one sitting there watching. Everyone trickled in within the first 20 minutes or so, but it was funny because we saved seats for so long. That movie was super cute by the way and now it is Ivory’s favorite movie, if you noticed on her school favorites.

Ha! I knew Daisy wasn’t the only one.

It got nice and hot in the afternoon and some people went swimming. Others played Poly-Pong. That game is actually really fun. We met a couple who were already playing. We jumped in with them and figured out the rules and had an epic showdown. Thanks John and Maggie for playing with us!

The day just flew by. Soon it was dinner. It was a fancy night so we all got dressed up. We are a sharp looking bunch. 

One of the fun things I did for dinner is that I put us in a different order every evening. We sat around the table alphabetically by middle name, by height, by location of moles, by vision impairment alphabetically by your best friend and by birthday. It was fun to mix up who you sat by, but it was awful for our server since everyone looks similar. But I Made (ee-mah-day) was awesome and he worked so hard to call us all by name.

The Rare find for the night was…Crab Cakes. Ivory was able to stomach this one much more than last night's. We had a fun evening trying new dishes and singing along to bops. They played YMCA and Sweet Caroline. You can see our hands...touching hands...reaching out...

Check out the sunset for the night. Lovely. I think we also probably went to a show that night. I can’t find photographic evidence of one, but we’ll just pretend. 

In fact, it was such a great show that we were all tuckered out afterward. June only got half ready for bed before she crashed.

More adventures at Sea tomorrow.

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