Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Alcohol Approved

(Not allowed to list birth dates in here)

As you can imagine, being able to buy/drink alcohol was not a milestone June was excited about achieving, but she was looking forward to being officially able to make stupid decisions without legal consequences. Oh wait, that is still drinking...

Anyway, she hit the big 21. We bought June a billion things leading up to her birthday including a cruise and a concert, so we didn't have much for her on her actual birthday. It was Conference, so we sat and listened to the prophets and stitched. (I can't think there are many things she would have wanted to do more.)

The day before, she went to lunch with Christina and played Spikeball with friends, so that covered her other needs nicely. Not sure if that was celebrating her birthday or just a normal Friday. :)

We did make her wear the birthday tiara. I'm not sure if that tradition has caught on yet?

We went to KeLoKe for dinner. It is a relatively new Dominican place near us. I believe it is fairly authentic. June really enjoyed the food, as did we all.

Even though the presents were already bequeathed, Pearl still got June some hairclips. Got to tame that curly mane sometimes.

June asked for a surprise dessert, so I went with toffee. It had been a long time since I made that. You can't really put candles in toffee, so I held 2 and Beau held 1. 

It seems 3 candles aren't hard to blow out, so I played a little keep away, but she got them all in the end.

Hard to believe that it has been so long since June joined our family. It's been a good run so far and I foresee many excellent years in her future.

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