Saturday, November 18, 2023

September Chatbook 2023

Let's dive right in. It hasn't been but a heartbeat or two since September was with us, but the weather has decidedly  moved toward the winter months. So let's look back at those sunny moments that I already miss more than I should say. (Not a winter person.)

We went to more Farmer's markets. We got to the Provo one and the Orem one a few times. We found such fun stuff. Most we didn't buy, but I may have fallen in love with a crocheted axolotl. And then Daisy came back and found a cute frog. I really love little markets and boutiques. Oh, Pearl found bunnies at the market and had so much fun loving on them.

A girl, her dog, and her phone. Priorities.

Beau and June spend a lot of time together, as they should since they live so close. They do lunch and cook together on many an evening. I love cute sisters!

Tricia and I went to see CLUE at the Hale. It was super fun. It was almost exactly the same as the movie, and I think that disappointed me a little, but overall, it was a hoot.

Daisy has been drawing fun, rotting mermaids. Looks like this chica had a run-in with an unfriendly shark.

When you hear a consistent strange buzzing outside your window, it is time to check for pests. I sent Tyler outside and it took him a minute, but he found a busy group of wasps hanging out in our eves. Guess they should be quieter next time, since we took care of those guys.

Epic rainbow. Awesome.

Speaking of epic, my Duo streak is crazy long. It's possible that I don't study much every day. I often do a speaking exercise because it's quick, but I do still love Spanish.

We had book group over Zoom since Julie was hosting. I snapped a picture because it made me laugh that Cindy's head looked like it was connected to Beth's body.

We weren't quite done with the mouses. Ivory found another in the drawer. When Tyler and Pearl took the mouse down to the lake, they ran into Jenaca. I'm hoping all the mice aren't ending up at her house. (We also had the pest guy help us seal up against mice, so maybe we'll have less this winter.)

June's first group of misioneros went out into the field. She loves being a teacher. I think she'll be teaching for a while.

Sunday Selfie!

We got a Premier Spike net. This is the brand that Taylor made and is using for all the tournaments here in Utah. It's a great net (although pricey) and we love playing on it.

Ain't this baby cute? She loves to hang out with Tyler when he is working from home. They are buds.

This picture is awesome. Everyone loves Nova. She has been very naughty recently and chased a neighbor dog into their home. I think she is on two strikes and another mishap may see her put down. None of us want that, but she can be a bit much when she gets around other animals. Meanwhile, we'll just love on her.

Thanks to Beau for taking the only pictures we have of Henlee's baptism. It was very fun and the food after was great. I guess we had such a good time, we forgot pictures. 

Tyler could only stay for half of the baptism because the same day was Doug Kotter's funeral. Doug lived many good years after his cancer diagnosis, but his time finally came. I went to the viewing with Tyler and saw this cool picture of Doug meeting the cast of the Chosen. What a neat experience for his family. He was a wonderful man and he will be greatly missed.

Isaac was Homecoming King. Crazy. He is a super nice guy, so I can see why people would vote for him. Update on his status. As of October, Isaac is no longer on the nice list. He made some questionable decisions, and Ivory gave up on him for good. (For the foreseeable future.) We'll miss seeing him around, but it's probably for the best.

Love this look on Daisy. I think she was practicing the outfit for the photo shoot, but I love the medusa-like add ons.

We showed The Quiet Place to Pearl. It was fun to watch her watch it. Getting ready for scary movie season...

I mentioned to Tyler the other day that he didn't have a monocle, and literally minutes later he sent this picture. (Guess it's handy to be driving by a party supply store.)

This car is so out of this world! It's beautiful. It's the definition of eye candy.

Took Pearl out for Thai food. I think we converted her, but who can say no to Mango Sticky rice?

Tyler and I went to see Around the World in 80 Days. It was such an amazing show. I loved the characters and the quirkiness and the love story. It was so much fun! And then I got to see it again when we chaperoned the drama kids from school. I'm spoiled.

Did I mention that we librarians are in charge of the National Junior Honor Society at school. It is keeping us busy since we have 90 members. Whew. We made shirts with them in September and it was really fun, but that's a LOT of shirts.

Here's Pearl playing with the science teacher's snake. He has three and they are so cute. This is Jafar and he is the prettiest. Pearl wants to rename him Alfredo. That's a way better name. 

We tried out making mushroom burgers. Not mushrooms instead of burgers, but mushrooms instead of buns. Pretty tasty if you ask me, but then again, I like mushrooms.

Denise (Isaac's mom) got married. We are thrilled for her. She let a whole bunch of the high school girls help plan her wedding (including Ivory), which seems crazy, but who is more excited about a wedding than high school girls? Not many people. 

Why do you think dogs like tennis balls so much?

Beau got a mask and then bloodied it up a bit. Nice and spooky.

K, so this picture is not remarkable. It looks like an young adult FHE activity, but look at what Beau is eating. It looks like someone took Macaroni Salad and made it into rice krispy treats. I think it's actually some other kind of cereal, like cheerios, but it sure looks disgusting to me.

Everyone got new glasses. I did not get pictures of people in their new glasses, but here is one of Beau trying stuff on. Those are so huge and round, but they look so cute on her.

I don't know what Beau drew this otter for, but he looks capable and adventurous.

Finalmente, this is Beau and Julianna. These two are room-roommates. I think they get along pretty well. At least they seem to both enjoy shopping. That's important.

Phew, you made it through. We'll miss you September. Until next year. 

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