Sunday, November 19, 2023

Righteousness Brings Puppies and Ice Cream

(October 3rd, 2023)

General Conference is one of my favorite times of year. It is so refreshing to stitch and listen to profound counsel. And then we have another 6 months to reread them. Of course, that doesn't always work for all of us. Good intentions only go so far when you are super busy. So we only had a few of us attend the conference reward this time. Look at the sticker explosion.

We decided on something small since the cruise took some serious cash. So we opted for puppies and ice cream. The Puppy Store is right next to Brooker's so it was serendipity. First up, puppies. 

It is not called the Puppy Barn anymore. I think there was some very negative connotations that attached themselves to that store and they've been rebranded. The rules are a bit different too. First up, you can only hold ONE puppy per group, so choose wisely. There is a time limit as well. And you have to have clean hands and the normal stuff like that. 

We had no idea which puppy to choose. There were so many cute ones. The girl finally suggested that we choose a puppy that hadn't been played with for the day, so it could get some exercise. That seemed like a plan, so we settled in our pen and they brought us Piper. I think she was some kind of terrier.

She was a crazy dog. All puppies are teething, as the sign told us, but this puppy was especially nippy. She jumped around, bit us plenty and attacked faces and earrings. She was a handful and a half. She clearly had a lot of energy that she hadn't used up that day. So I was glad we gave her a stretch.

The shop girl came up again after we finished playing with Piper, and told us that since we had given a puppy some exercise, we could hold one more. (Bonus points for being nice.) So we chose one that looked a little more calm. We got Nico.

Nico was a dachshund. (He probably still is.) He was stinking adorable. Frankly, if we didn't have Nova, I think we would have bought him in a heartbeat. There was just something so special about his little kisses and sweet eyes. Behold.

Tyler didn't even want to hold him; I think so he wouldn't get attached. It was really fun to go hold puppies. They are balm for the soul. Cuties.

We finished the evening over at Brooker's. Their flavors are almost too intense for me, but I always find something yummy. Good job my crew who were able to reread all the talks.

October conference was really good, and I'm already excited to reread the talks. It's great to draw them out and pick up a little spiritual revival here and there. 

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