Monday, November 20, 2023

Jaker's 2023

(October 11th, 2023)

I don't really care where we get our pumpkins as long as we get them sometime in October, and in general, it is handy to go wherever Tyler is doing his Real Estate stuff and join the event. On the down side, it was quite drizzly and wet and a tad chilly. On the plus side, we all made it. It is rare when we can find a time that every family member can attend an event. 

We always stop in to say Hi to Dad first since he can't leave the event, but then we got straight to the corn maze. We split up and made the usual goal to take a picture by the power line tower and then get back to the beginning first. We saw some birds trying to reenact Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. I should show that to the kids. It's a classic, but I don't remember much about it except the famous scene in front of the church. 

My buddy was Ivory. We tried very hard to get out to the designated spot, but the path just didn't go that way. We ended up looping back to the front, giving up, and taking a picture together in the corn. That is more than the other groups did, so I consider that a win. (They all made it as far as we did, but they didn't take any pictures.)

Pretty good looking group if you ask me. We got our pumpkins right after these pictures since June had to leave early. I thought I took pictures while we got pumpkins, but instead we got yelled at by some lady who couldn't be bothered to get out of her car and stand at the table to receive payment. She yelled at us because we were leaving the area to find someone to pay. I thought about throwing the pumpkin at her instead of buying it. She could clearly take a Customer Service 101 course. 

With it being so damp, the corn pit was covered, which is just as well. We bring home so much corn when the kids play in there. Corn for days. We did go over and love on the animals just a little bit. The goats were very sweet and friendly.

Then we spent just a couple minutes playing in the big hay maze. Daisy and I hid in there and Beau and Pearl found us...fairly quickly, since it isn't a hard maze. But it was still fun. 

Overall, it was a very successful trip and we got pumpkins that we proceeded to carve on another occasion. But that is a post for another day. 

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